贸(貿)màoⅠ ❶ (贸易) trade: 外 ~ foreign trade; 农 ~ 市场 agricultural trade market ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 宁 Mao Ning Ⅱ [书] ❶ (交易, 买卖) trade; barter; exchange ❷ (变换; 改变) alternate; alter; change ◆贸促会 the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT); 贸工农体制 trade- industry-agriculture system; 贸然 rashly; hastily; without careful consideration; 贸然行事 go off the deep end; 贸首之仇 so full of hatred that each wants to get the other's head; bitter hatred; inveterat hatred; 贸易 trade; 贸易差额 balance of trade; 贸易额 volume of trade; 贸易汇率 commercial rate; 贸易调解 trade mediating; 贸易最惠国待遇 the most-favoured-nation treatment |