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单词 like
释义 like2 /laik; laik/ vt 1 [VP6A, D, 7A] be fond of; have a taste for; find satisfactory or agreeable: 喜欢; 喜爱; 爱好冲意: Do you ~ fish? 你喜欢鱼吗? I ~ to read in bed but I don't ~ having meals in bed. 我喜欢躺在床上看书,但我不喜欢在床上吃饭。 She ~s him but she doesn't love him. 她喜欢他但并不爱他。 I ~ his impudence! (ironic, meaning that his impudence is preposterous or amusing). (反语)他真不怕难为情! Well, I ~ that! (ironic, meaning that what has been said or done is surprising, unexpected, etc). (反语)咬呀, 亏你说得出口!真出乎意料! 2 [VP6D, 7A] (in neg sentences) be unwilling or reluctant: (用烟古定句)不愿意: I didn't ~ to disturb you. 我不愿 H 搅你。 I don't ~ troubling her. 我不愿麻烦她。 3 [VP6A, 7A] (with should, would) used to indicate a wish: (与 should, would 连用)养示愿望: I should ~ to go there, if it were possible, if I were invited, etc, 我想去那里(如果可能、如我受邀请的话)。 / shouldn't ~ to do that, have no wish to do it. 我不愿意做那事。 She would ~ a cup of tea, I think. 狡费毎她想礴一杯茶。 I should ~ to know/to see..., often ironic, meaning that it would be difficult to explain, show, etc. (常作反语)我倒想了解一下 (看一看 ) 。以 would have ~ed to come.... 他们本来想来…。 4 [VP6A, 7A, 17, 19B, C, 22] prefer; choose; wish: 比较喜欢; 宁择; 希望: I ~ people to tell the truth. 我喜欢人讲实话。 How do you ~ your 你喜欢喝什么样的茶? / ~ ( = prefer) it rather weak. 我比较喜欢淡一点的。 I ~ this more (or, colloq better) than that. 我比较喜欢这个,不太喜欢那个(口语中用 better 代替 more), You wouldn't ~ there to be another war, would you? 你不会希望再有一次战争的,对吗? I don't ~ you to smoke/you smoking/ your smoking. 我不喜欢你抽烟。 if you ~, used to express consent to a request or suggestion: 如果你高兴的话(用以表示同意一请求或建议): I will come if you 如果你高兴的话,我愿意来。 5 [VP6A] suit the health of: 适合…的健康: I ~ lobster but it doesn't ~, me, ie it gives me indigestion. 我喜欢吃龙虾,但它不宜于我的健康(使我消化不良)。 “ (Ph only in) (复,仅用于) t ~s and 'dis—s, dislike.




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