rural area; countryside; country; village
转移~富余劳动力transfer surplus rural labor to nonagricultural jobs/~产业结构composition of rural production; structure of rural production/~税费改革工作rural tax-and-fee reform/~电气化rural electrification/~电网改造upgrade rural power grids/~调查rural survey/~副业rural sideline occupation/~改革rural reform/~工作会议conference on rural work /~包围城市encircle the cities from the rural areas;close in on cities from the countryside/~非农产业nonagricultural industries in rural areas/~扶贫开发aid the rural poor through development; alleviate rural poverty through development/~供销社rural supply and marketing cooperative/~基层选举grassroot-level election in rural areas/~基础设施rural infrastructure/~经济rural economy/~劳动力转移培训job training for farm laborers looking for urban employment/~面源污染rural nonpoint pollution/~人口rural population/~人口外流outflow of rural population; rural exodus /~商品经济rural commodity economy/~向城市移民ruralurban migration/~商品流通体制rural commodity circulation system/~社会保障制度rural social security system/~社会化服务体系social service system in the rural areas/~剩余劳动力surplus rural (or farm) labor (or laborers)/~税费改革reform of rural taxes and administrative charges /~信用社rural credit cooperative/~医疗卫生条件medical and sanitation conditions in rural areas