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单词 light
释义 light4 /laxt; lait/ vt, vi (pt, pp lit /lit; lit/ or ~ed)(~ed is more usu as an attrib adj, as in a ~ed candle), (lighted 较常用做置于名词前的形容词,例如: a lighted candle) o 1 [VP6A] cause to begin burning or to give out ~:贰燃; 使发光: ~ a lamp/candle/cigarette; 点燃一灯(蜡烛,香烟); ~ a fire, put a burning match to the material in a fireplace, etc. 点火。 2 [VP6A] provide lights (2) to or for 供以光源; 供以灯: Is your flat ~ed/lit by gas or by electricity? 你们的公寓用煤气灯还是电灯? Our streets are ~ed/lit by electricity. 我们的街道用电照明。 3 [VP15B] ~ sth up, cause to become bright: 使明亮: The shops were brilliantly lit up. 那些商店逐亮明亮。 The burning building lit up the whole district. 那燃烧的建筑物照亮了整个的地区。 4 [VP2C] ~ up, a switch on (electric) ~s; turn on gas-lamps, etc: 开(电)灯; 点亮煤气灯等: It's getting dark—time to ~ up. 天渐渐黑了 —— 该点灯了。 Hence, 由此产生, ,intz-'up time n time at which, according to regulations, lamps in the roads and on vehicles must be lit. (法令规定之)街道和行车开灯时间。 b (colloq) begin to smoke a pipe or cigarette: (俗)开始抽烟斗或香烟: He struck a match and lit up. 他擦燃一根火柴,点上烟斗(香烟)。 5 [VP2C, 15B] ~ up (with). (of a person's face or expression) (cause to) become bright: (指人的面孔或表情)使容光焕发; 春风满面: Her face lit up with pleasure. 她的脸上焕发着喜色。 A smile lit up her face. 微笑使她容光焕发。 6 [VP15A] guide with or by a light: 以灯导: . ~ a person on his way. 用灯替某人引路。




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