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单词 lieutenant
释义 lieutenant /lef'tenant US: lu: 't-; lu1 tenant/ n 1 army officer below a captain; (/la1 tenant ; lu1 tenant/) junior officer in the Navy. 陆军中尉; 海军上尉。 2 (in compounds) (用于复合字) officer with the highest rank under: 击次于复合字中后面一字所示官职的官员:、 ~-'general; 陆军中将; 空军中将; ,~ ~ 'colonel; 陆军中校; 空军中校; I ~- com'mander; 海军少校; , ~-'governor, official under a governorgeneral. 副总督。 3 deputy or substitute; one who acts for a superior. 副主官; 代理上级官者。 Lord L~ (of the County), the Queen's representative in a county. 女王驻 A 代表。 L~ of the Tower, (ie the Tower of London). 峪敦塔的副主官。 lieutenancy depends. 生死关头; 生死攸关之事。 kiss of ~, → kiss, this ~, ~ on earth. 此生; 现世。 the 'other ~: future/eternal/everlasting ~, conscious existence, the state of existence, after bodily death. 来世; 永生。 with all the pleasure in ~, with the greatest possible pleasure. 极高兴地。 4 [C] state of existence, as an individual living being: 性命: How many lives were lost in the disaster? 在那灾祸中丧失了多少性命? take sb's ~, kill him. 杀死某人。 take one's own ~, kill oneself; commit suicide. 自杀。 a ~ for a ~, phrase used to express the view that murder must be revenged' by the killing or execution of the murderer or (in a vendetta) by the killing of a member of his family. 一命抵一命(此片语用以表示凶手必须被杀或处死, 以为死者报仇,若为两家族间之血仇, 必须杀死对方家族一分子以偿命) c cannot for the , ~ of one, cannot, however hard one tries: 怎么也不能; 要了命也不能: For the ~ of me I couldn't recall her name. 我怎么样也想不起她的名字来了。 Not on your ~ / (colioq int) Quite definitely not. (俗,感叹词)绝对不。 5 [C] period between birth and death, or between birth and the present, or between the present and death: 一生; 一辈子; 応身: He lived all his ~ in London. 他一生 住冼伦敦。 I have lived here all my 我自出生即住在此初。 The murderer received a ~ sentence/was sentenced to imprisonment for ~. 该杀人犯饭判无期徒刑。 The murderer is doing ~ /was given (sl) imprisonment for ~ . (俚)那杀人犯在服无期徒刑(被判无期徒刑)。 ~annuity, one that will be paid for the rest of a person's ~. 终身年金; 终身俸。 ~ cycle, progression through different stages of development: 生命环; 生命周期(经过不同发育阶段之过程): the ~ cycle of a frog, from the egg to the tadpole to the final stage. 靑蛙之生命环(自卵至蝌蚪至最后阶段)。 ~ interest, (legal) benefit valid (from property, etc) during a person's ~. (法律)终身权益。 ~ peer, member of the House of Lords, whose title is not inherited by his heirs. 英国国会中其头衔不为子孙所承袭的上议院议员。 early/late in —, during the early/ late part of one's ~:一生中之早(晚)期; 早年(晚年) marry ealy/late in ~. 早(晚)婚。 have the time of one's ~, (colioq) enjoy oneself immensely, as never before. (俗)享受从未有过的快乐。 6 [U] human relations; the business, pleasures, social activities, etc, of the world: 社交关系; 社交生活; 世事; 人世繁华: Sailors don't earn much money, but they do see see how people everywhere live. 船员的收入虽不多,但他们的阅历极广。 There is not much ~ (eg social activity) in our small village. 我们的小村子里没有多少社交活动。 true to ~, (of a story, drama, etc) giving a true description of how people live, l 指故事,戏剧等)描写员实; 与实际生活相同。 7 [C, U] (way of) living; career: 生活; 生活方式; 生 2E: Some people have easy lives. 看些人生活舒适。 Which do you prefer, town ~ or country ~? 你比较喜欢都市生活还是乡村生活? That's the ~ for me! That's how I should like to live. 那才是我向往的生活。 'high ~, → high1 (12). of sb's ~; biography: 言行录; 传记: Do you enjoy reading the lives of great men? 你喜欢演伟人的传记吗?压 has written a new ~ of Newton. 他写了一部新的牛顿传。 ' ~ story, biography. 传记。 9 [U] activity, liveliness, interest: 活力; 生气; 兴趣: The children are full of ~, are active and cheerful. 孩子们生气勃勃。 Put more ~ into your work. 你工作时要提起精神。 the ~ (and soul) of the party, person who is the most lively and amusing member of a social 8 [C] written account gathering. 社交场合的灵魂人物(最活泼而又风趣之人)。 10 [U] living form or model: 活人; 实物; 模特儿: a portrait/picture taken from (the) ~; 以活 X 做模特儿的画像; a '~ drawing; 实物图画; a '~ class, (in an art school) one in which students draw or paint from living models. (美术学校中之)人体写生课。 to the ~, with great fidelity or exactness: 遍真: draw/portray/imitate sb to the 将某人画得栩栩如生(模仿某人很逼真)。 lifelike below. 参看下列之 lifelike。as large as ~, a of natural or ordinary size: 与真人或原物一样大的: a statue as large as ~. 与真人一样大的彫像。 b (colioq and in joke) in person; without possibility of doubt or error. (俗,谑)亲自; 无容置疑。 11 [C] fresh start or opportunity after a narrow escape from death, disaster, etc: (死里逃生后之)新生命; 新机会: The batsman was given a ~, eg when the fielders missed an easy catch. 那击球员获一新机会 (例如当外场员未能接住一易接的球时)。 They say a cat has nine lives. 据说猫有九条命。 12 [C] period during which sth is active or useful: 一物之活动或有用的时期; 薄命: the ~ of a steamship/a government. 检船(政府)的海命。 13 '~assurance/in-surance, these words. 参看 assurance, insurance → expectation of ~; , ~ expectancy, (insurance) statistically determined number of years that a person at a particular age may expect to live. (保险业) (某一年龄者所能活的) 平均寿命。 s good/bad ~, person who is likely to pass/not to reach this average. 可能活过 (不到) 平均爵命者。 14 (compounds) (复合宇) '~belt n belt of cork or other buoyant material to keep a person afloat in water. 救生带; 浮带。 '~blood n [U] blood necessary to ~; (fig) vitalizing influence; sth that gives strength and energy. 保持生命的血液; (喻) 元气; 活力的来源。 '~boat n a boat specially built for going to the help of persons in danger at sea along the coast, (岸尊的) 教生艇。 b boat carried on a ship for use in case the ship is in danger of sinking, is on fire, etc, (大船上的) 救生强。 '~buoy n ~ belt in the form of a ring, through which a person puts his head, shoulders and arms, 救生圏。 cycle w c5 above. 参看上歹 II 第 5 义。 ' ~ estate n property that a person enjoys for but cannot dispose of further. (仅限于一代的) 终身财产。 '~-giving adj that strengthens or restores physical or spiritual ~ . 赋与生命的; 给与生气的。'~四明无 n a expert swimmer on duty at dangerous places where people swim. (游泳场的) 教生贝。 b bodyguard of soldiers. 侍卫; 卫队。 'L~ Guards n pl cavalry regiment in the British army. (英国陆军中的) 禁卫骑兵团。 'history n (biol) record of the ~ cycle of an organism. (生物) (生物体之) 生活史。 '~jacket n one of cork or other buoyant material or one that can be inflated. 救生成 ~less adj 1 never having had ~: 无生命而: ~less stones. 无生命的石头。 2 having lost ~; dead. 失去生命的; 死的。 3 dull; not lively: 枯燥无味的; 无生气的: answer in a ~less manner. 要死不活地回答。 ~lessly adv '~- like adj 1 resembling real ~; looking like the person represented: 栩栩如生的; 维妙维肖的: a ~ like portrait. 栩榭如生的游像。 2 like a living thing: 似生物的: a ~ like cloud. 一片似生物的云。 '~line n rope used for saving ~, eg one attached to a ~buoy, or one fastened along the deck of a ship during a storm, for persons to cling to; 救生素 (例如系于救生圏或暴风雨中系于船甲板上供人学附之绳索); diver's line for signalling to the ship from which he is working; 自船上系于潜水人员以作信号之绳索; (fig) anything on which one's ~ depends; (喻) 生命寄托之杨; (palmistry) line across the palm of the hand, alleged to show one's length of ~,major events in one's ~,etc. (手相) 生命线. ~ long adj continuing for a long time; lasting throughout ~. 长期的; 终身的。 '~-office n life assurance office or business. 人寿保险公司办事处; 人寿保险业。 ~ peer ”05 above. 参看上列第 5 义。 '~-preserver n a (GB) short stick with a heavy, weighted end, used as a weapon of defence. (英) 护身棒 (用作防御武器之一端重的短棒 ) → b (US) (美) → ~-jacket, lifer /'laifa (r); Half/ n 1 (with adj prefixed) person who lives a certain kind of ~: (前面冠以形容词) 过某种生活者: a simplelifer. 生活简模的人。 2 (sl) (one who serves a) sentence of ~ imprisonment. (俚) 无期徒刑; 被判无期徒刑者。 '~-saver n (esp in Australia) ~guard a . (尤用于澳洲) 救生员。 '~-size d adj (of pictures, statues, etc) having the same size, proportions, etc, as the person represented. (指图进,彫像等) 与真人一般大小的。 '~-span n (biol) longest period of ~ of an organism known from the study of it. (生物) 寿命 (某生物体的设长生命期) 。 ~ sup'port system, equipment in a spacecraft which provides an environment in -which astronauts may live. 太空生活装备 (太空船中供太空人生活之装置) 。 ' ~- time n duration of a person's 一生; 终身。 the chance of a ~ time, an opportunity that comes only once, 一生舐有一次的机会。 'work n task that occupies one's whole ~ or to which one devotes all one's ~. 毕生的工作; 终身的事业。




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