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单词 冠冕堂皇

冠冕堂皇guān miǎn táng huáng

aristocratic and respectable; high-sounding; highfalutin; of noble(/dignified) bearing; dignified and pompous
❍ 苏俄的学艺教育人民委员卢那卡尔斯基所作的《被解放的吉诃德先生》里,将这手段使一个公爵使用,可见也是贵族的东西,堂皇冠冕。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—46) The Soviet commission er of education Lunarcharsky,in his book Don Quixote Liberated,makes a duke use of these tactics,which shows how aristocratic and respectable they are.
❍ 但说谎是他的天禀,他立刻想得一个极~的回答:……(茅盾《子夜》174) Yet,being a born liar,he was unruffled and ready with a brazen reply: …/尾巴上的“签署”两个字,是他从报上公布的许多外交协定书上学来的。用在这里,他觉得~,恰当极了。(周立波《山乡巨变》97)He had learned the word “signed”from many diplomatic agreements published in the newspapers. He felt that as he had used it here it looked very dignified and extremely suitable.
❍ 至于~如此谓“公理”之类,就让公理专家去消遣罢。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》136) As for high-sounding concepts like“justice”,let the experts on justice kill time dis cussing them.
❍ 然而后来好象并不算十分~的好话。这且不管它罢。(《鲁迅选集》上—303) Later,it seems to have lost some of its pristine dignity,but that need not concern us./“薪水倒差不多,生活比以前好过一点。”方宇有意讲些~的话。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—122)“Oh,we manage well enough on our salaries. Life’s a little easier than it was,”said Fang Yu,speaking with intentional pomposity.


在~的招牌下干着卑鄙的勾当resort to dirty tricks under high-sounding pretexts/~的行动ostentatious action

冠冕堂皇ɡuān miǎn tánɡ huánɡ

冠冕:古代官吏、帝王所戴的表示身份的帽子。比喻外表很体面。high-sounding, impressive looking





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