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(责任) duty; responsibility: 尽 ~ fulfil one's duty; 敷衍塞 ~ do things perfunctorily; 爱护公物, 人人有 ~。 It is everybody's duty to take good care of public property. Ⅱ ❶ (要求做成某事或行事达到一定标准) demand; ask for; require: 求全 ~ 备 demand perfection; nitpick; ~ 己从严 be strict with oneself
❷ (诘问) question closely; call sb. to account; interrogate: ~ 问 call sb. to account
❸ (责备) blame; reproach; reprove: 指 ~ censure; criticize; 痛 ~ scold [rebuke] severely; 谴 ~ condemn; reprimand; 自 ~ reprove oneself
❹ (责罚) punish: 笞 ~ punish by flogging
◆责备 reproach; blame; reprove; take sb. to task; 责成 instruct (sb. to fulfill a task); charge (sb. with a task); enjoin (sb. to do sth.); 责打 mete out corporal punishment to; punish by flogging or lashing; 责罚 punish; 责怪 blame; 责令 order; instruct; charge; 责骂 scold; rebuke; dress down; 责难 censure; blame; 责任 duty; responsibility; responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame; 责任编辑 senior editor; 责任险 liability insurance; 责任制 responsibility system; system of job [personal] responsibility; accountability; 责问 call sb. to account; 责无旁贷 be one's unshirkable responsibility [duty]; be a responsibility one cannot relinquish[be duty-bound; 责有攸归 responsibility rests where it belongs; cannot shift the blame onto others; responsibility for crime can be traced; The responsibility should lie where it belongs.





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