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单词 saint


1. person sanctified and canonized圣徒。
△Com.3.2.14:“Teach sin the carriage of a holy saint;”教给罪恶做出一副圣徒的样子。
2. image or statue of a saint圣徒像。
△Rom.1.5.105(101):“Have not saints lips,and holy palmers too?”难道圣徒像和香客都没有嘴唇?
Phrases & Expressions:
Saint Albans: town about twenty miles north-west ofLondon圣奥尔本,伦敦西北约二十英里的一个市镇。
△2H.IV.2.2.184(167):“I warrant you,as commonas the way between St. Albans and London.”i.e. theGreat North Road,a much used thoroughfare. 我向你担保,就像从圣奥尔本到伦敦的那条大路一样,大家都能走来走去。
△1H.IV.4.2.49(45): “and the shirt,to say thetruth,stolen from my host at Saint Albans,”那件衬衫,说实话,是在圣奥尔本从我那个店主人那里偷来的。
△2H.VI.1.2.56:“My Lord Protector.'tis his Highness'pleasure / You do prepare to ride unto Saint Albans.”护国公大人,陛下有旨,请你准备骑马到圣奥尔本去。
Saint Albons: = Saint Albans
Saint Anne: i.e. mother of the Virgin Mary圣安娜,圣母玛利亚之母。
△Tw.2.3.127 (117): “Yes. by Saint Anne,and ginger shall be hot i' th' mouth too.”是的,凭着圣安娜起誓,还有生姜加在酒里,辣辣嘴呢。
Saint Bennet: a church of St. Bennet,which stoodjust opposite the Globe,Shakespeare's theatre,inLondon圣班奈特教堂(在伦敦与寰球剧院隔太晤士河相对的一个教堂)。
△Tw.5.1.41 (38): “or the bells of Saint Bennet,sir,may put you in mind—one,two,three!”再不然,殿下,圣班奈特教堂的钟也可以提醒你:一,二,三!
Saint Colme's inch: St. Columba's Island,now calledlnchcomb or lnchcolm,a small island near Edin-burgh,off the coast of Scotland圣柯姆岛(苏格兰爱丁堡附近的一个海上小岛)。
△Mac.1.2.63 (61):“Till he dis-bursed at Saint Colme's inch / Ten thousand dollarsto our general use.”除非他在圣柯姆小岛缴纳 一万块钱给我们派作公用。
Saint Davy's Day: Saint David's Day. the nationalday of Wales on March 1st. when the Welshmen weara leek in their caps as their national emblem圣大卫节,威尔士国庆日,届时威尔士人在帽上插韭菜(威尔士国家标志)表示庆祝。
△H.V.4.1.54:“Tell him I'll knock his leek a-bout his pate / Upon Saint Davy's Day.”告诉他,到了圣大卫节我要拔下他那根韭菜,打他的头。
Saint Denis: patron saint of France圣但尼斯——法国的保护神。
△L.L.L.5.2.87:“Saint Denis to Saint Cu-pid!”圣但尼斯来抵抗圣丘匹德(爱神)!
△H.V.5.2.192(183):“Saint Denis be my speed!”圣但尼斯快帮助我吧!
△1H.VI.1.6.28: “No longer on Saint Denis will we cry. / But Joan de Pucelle shall be France's saint.”我们不再呼唤圣但尼斯了,少女贞德今后就是法国的圣人。
Saint Francis: St. Francis of Assisi,founder and pa-tron saint of the Franciscan order圣芳济,天主教圣芳济会的创始人和圣保护人。
△Rom.2.3.65:“Holy Saint Fran-cis,”(a mild oath,Friar Lawrence being a member ofthe Franciscan order.)圣芳济啊! (按:劳伦斯长老为圣芳济会僧侣,故以其教团创始人之名起誓。)

Saint George




n. 圣人,圣徒
‖ Rule of the Saint圣徒的统治
Saint Valentine’s Day情人节
Saint’s day圣徒纪念日
saintly adv.saintliness n.





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