释义 |
贞(貞)zhēnⅠ ❶ (忠于自己所重视的原则; 坚定不变) loyal; faithful: 坚 ~ staunch and faithful; 忠 ~ loyal and steadfast ❷ (贞洁的) chaste; pure: ~ 妇 chaste woman; ~ 女 chaste girl Ⅱ ❶ (封建礼教指女子的贞节) (of women) chastity; virginity: 守 ~ keep one's virginity ❷ (古代指占卜) divination (in ancient times) ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 文 Zhen Wen ◆贞操 chastity; virginity; loyalty; moral integrity; 贞节 chastity or virginity, i.e. remaining chaste and faithful to one's husband or betrothed, even after his death, as demanded by the Confucian moral code; 贞烈 ready to die to preserve one's chastity; courageous to maintain one's virtue or integrity |