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单词 idealism
释义 idealism /ai'diolizam; ai'didl/izsm/ n [U] 1 living according to, being guided by, one's ideals. 根据个人理想的生活。 2 (in art) (opposite of realism) imaginative treatment, showing beauty and perfection even if this means being untrue to facts. (艺术)(为 realism 之相反字)理想主义; 想像的创作手法(表现完美的境界而不问是否与事实相符)。 3 (in philosophy) system of thought in which ideas are believed to be the only real things or the only things of which we can know anything. (哲学)画念论; 唯心论。 idealist /-ist; -ist/ n person who believes in ~. 理想主义者; 唯心论者。 idealistic /aiia'listik; adial'istik/ adj of idealists and ~. 理想主义(者)的; 唯心论(者)的。




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