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单词 豹死留皮

豹死留皮bào sǐ liú pí

a leopard’s skin survives his body; when a leopard dies,it leaves a skin—one’s reputation remains after death; when a man dies,he leaves a name
❍ 俗话说: “~,人死留名。”为人民做出贡献的人将流芳百世。There is an old saying: “A leopard’s skin survives his body; a man’s good reputation remains after his death.” Anyone who has done his bit for the people is sure to leave a reputation which will go down to posterity.

豹死留皮bào sǐ liú pí

比喻人死后留个好名声。the leopard’s skin survives his body, when a leopard dies, it leaves a skin





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更新时间:2025/3/14 20:12:01