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单词 cross
释义 cross2 /kros US: krocs; kros/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 2A, C] ~ (from) (to), go across; pass from one side to the other side of: 横过; 越过; 渡过: to ~ a road/ river/bridge/the sea/the Sahara, etc; 横越道路 (河流,桥梁,海,撒哈拉沙漠等); to ~ from Dover to Calais. 自多佛横渡海峡至加来。 ~ a person's path. meet him: 遇见某人: I hope 1 shall never ~ that man's path again. 我希望我永不再遇见那个人。 ~ one's mind, (of ideas, etc) occur to one: (指念头等) 出现于脑中: The idea has just ~ed my mind that.... 我刚才想到…。 2 [VP6A, 15A, B] ~ (off/out/through) , draw a line or lines across or through (to cancel): 画横线于 (以删除): Two of the words had been ~ed out. 其中有两个字被画去了。 I ~ed his name off the list. 我把他的名字从名茧中剔除了。 ~ s cheque, draw two lines across it so that payment can be made only through a bank. 画两条线于支票 (表示仅能经由银行兑现) 。 Hence, 由此产生, ~ed 'cheque n one that must be paid into a bank account, and cannot be cashed unless made out to 'self' or 'cash'. 画线支票 (必须存入户头,如未标明 'self' 或 ,cash, 字样不可兑现) 。 ~ one's t's and dot one's i's, (fig) be careful and exact. (喻) 谨慎而严正。 3 [VP6A, 14] put or place across or over: 交叉: to ~ one's legs; 交叉两腿; ,。 ~ one's arms on one's chest. 交叉两臂于胸前。 ~ sb's palm with silver, give a coin to him (esp to a fortune-teller). 拿一枚铜钱给某人 (尤指给算请者) 。 ~ swords with sb, fight or argue with him. 与某人交锋; 与某人辩论。 keep one's fingers ~ed, (fig) hope for the best, that nothing will happen to upset one's plans, etc. (喻) 求神保佑一切顺利; 希望不要有意外事情妨碍计划等。 4 ~ oneself, make the sign of the cross on or over oneself as a religious act, to invoke God's protection, or as a sign of awe. 用右手在胸前画十字 (系宗教行为,意为求上帝保护或表示敬畏) 。 5 [VP6A, 2A] (of persons travelling, letters in the post) meet and pass: (指行路的人,邮递中的信件) 互相在路上错过: ~ed each other on the way. 我们两人在路上错过去了。 letters ~ed in the post. 我们的信件在邮局错过。 Your letter ~ed mine in the post. 你的信跟我的信在邮局中错过。 ~ed line, interruption by mistake into a telephone connection. 电话岔欢。 6 [VP6A] oppose or obstruct (sb, his plans, wishes, etc): 反对或阻碍 (某人,其计划、意愿等): He was angry at having his plans ~ed. 他因计划受阻而忿怒。 He ~es me in everything. 他处处与拶乍对; He has been ~ed in love, has failed to win the love of the woman he was in love with. 他在爱情上曾受挫折 (未获所爱之女人的垂靑) 。 7 [VP2A, 6A, 14] ~ (with), produce a cross (7) by mixing breeds; (cause to) interbreed; cross-fertilize (plants, etc). 使异种交配以产生混合种; 使杂交; 杂配 (植物等) 。 crossbreed.




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