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❶ (土壤; 泥土) soil; earth: 瘠 ~ lean [poor] soil; 沃 ~ fertile soil; 漂白 ~ fuller's earth
❷ (土地) land; ground: 故 ~ native land; 领 ~ territory; domain; 疆 ~ territory
❸ (未熬制的鸦片) opium: 烟 ~ opium
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 皋 Tu Gao Ⅱ ❶ (本地的; 地方性的) local; native: ~ 产 local product; ~ 音 local accent; ~ 生植物 native plants
❷ (我国民间的) folk; popular; indigenous: ~ 偏方 folk remedy; ~ 办法 indigenous methods; ~ 布 homespun cloth
❸ (不合潮流; 不开通) unfashionable; unenlightened; uncouth: ~ 头 ~ 脑 stupid and uncouth; unenlightened; 打扮得真 ~ dress like a country bumpkin; countrified dress
◆土坝 fill dam; causeway; {水} earth-filled dam; earth dam; 土霸王 a cock of the dunghill; 土邦 native state;
土帮土成墙, 穷帮穷成王 Earth sticks to earth and makes a wall, poor men stick to poor men and together overthrow a kingdom.; Unity is strength.; 土包子 clodhopper; bumpkin; 土崩 landside; landfall; 土崩瓦解 crumble; be disintegrated; break up; collapse like a house of cards; fall apart; fall [go] to pieces; disintegrate; 土表 soil surface; 土鳖虫 ground beetle; Eupolypha ̄ gaseu Steleophaga; 土拨鼠 marmot; bobac; tarabagane; sisel; daurian; 土不制水 Earth fails to control water.; 土布 russet; [法] étoffe du pays; nankin; handwoven cloth; homespun cloth; 土(棉)布裤 nankeens; 土蚕 [方] the larva of a noctuid; grub; 土层 solum; true soil; pedosphere; soillayer; soil horizon; soil layer; 土铲 mamoty; 土产(品) local product; native product aborigines; 土车 navvy barrow; 土绸 native silk piece goods; 土党参 Companumoea root; Radix Campanumoeae; 土倒挂金钟 {植} native fuchsia; 土堤 earth dike; earth embankment; bank; ditch; 土地 land; soil; ground; territory; dirt; front; 土地批租 agrarian rent wholesale; 土地使用权转让 transfer of the right to use land; 土地 local god of the land; village god; 土洞墓 earth-pit tomb; 土斗车 muck car; spoil car; 土豆 [口] potato; 土堆 taft; dike; windrow; mound; 土法 indigenous method; local method; 土法上马 start with indigenous methods; adoption of indigenous method; employ indigenous methods; get on the job with local methods; 土方 traditional cure; folk recipe; earthwork; cubic metre of earth; 土房 keek ̄ wilee-house; 土匪 bandit; brigand; 土粪 fertilizer; 土风俗习 local customs; 土风[乡村]舞 country dance; 土副产品 native and subsidiary products; 土改 [简] (土地改革) land reform; agrarian reform; 土柑桔 native lime; 土缸 olla; 土镐 clay pick; 土埂 a low bank of earth between fields; an earth dyke [embankment]; 土梗 balk; baulk; 土豪 local tyrant; 土豪劣绅 local tyrants and evil gentry; local despots and bad gentry; despotic land ̄ lords; 土话 local dialect; dialect; patois; local, colloquial expressions; 土黄 colour of loess; yellowish brown ; 土皇帝 local despot; local tyrant; 土灰色 field gray; 土货 local product; native product; 土鸡瓦狗 shape without soul; clay chickens and pottery dogs; completely useless persons; 土籍 the land where a family has lived for generations; 土建工程 building projects; 土敬 a surname; 土炕 heatable adobe sleeping platform; adobe kang; 土坑 bury; pit; 土库曼斯坦 Turkmenistan; 土块 soil block; 土筐 basket for holding earth; 土狼 aardwolf; 土牢 dungeon; 土里土气 rustic; countrified; uncouth; uncool; hodden; 土流 earthflow; solifluxion; 土龙刍狗 clay dragon and straw dog — hollow reputation without basis; dragons moulded of clay and dogs woven of straw; have an undeserved reputation; Reality does not correspond with the name.; 土笼 gabion; 土垄 rib; 土路 packway; drove; unsurfaced road; 土马铃薯 native potato; 土埋半截 be dying; 土霉素 terramycin; terramicin; oxytetracycline; Biostat PA; 土名 local name; 土木 building; construction; 土埝 a low bank between fields or in shallow water; 土牛木马 clay oxen and wooden horses — completely useless persons; useless things; 土坯 sun-dried mud brick; adobe; 土气 rustic; uncouth; countrified; 土墙 cob wall; 土丘 earth hummock; earth mound; Hugelboden; [英] barrow; 土壤 soil; ground; pedogenesis; ped-; pedo-; 土壤污染 soil pollution; 土壤细流 Heaped up earth becomes a mountain, accumulated water becomes a river.; Things though very tiny, if accumulated unceasingly, may produce enormous effect.; 土壤盐碱化 salinization of soil; salting of soil; 土人 natives; aborigines; 土人参 Talinum crassifolium; 土色 ashen; pale; 土生土长 be born and brought up on one's native soil [in one's native land]; autochthonous; be born and raised in the countryside; earth-bred; home-born; indigenous; locally born and bred; native-born; 土生万物 Earth produces myriads of things.; 土石方 cubic meter of earth and stone; 土司 system of appointing national minority hereditary headmen in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties; such a headman; chieftain; 土塌 earth fall; landside; landfall; 土特产 local specialty; local speciality; local (and) special products; 土特产品 native products; 土头土脑 rustic; hillbilly; countrified; hobnailed; jungli; unsophisticated; 土豚 {动} earth pig; aardvark; erdvark; 土王鼠 rajah rat; 土围子 fortified village; 土卫 {天} satellite of Saturn; Saturnian satellite; 土温 {农} soil temperature; 土喜温燥 Earth prefers warmth and dryness.; 土星 {天} Saturn; 土腥气[味] earthen taste; the smell of earth; 土洋并举[结合] simultaneous employment of modern and indigenous methods of production; combine traditional and modern methods; employ both simple and sophisticated methods; integrate indigenous methods with modern methods; use both indigenous and foreign methods; use both traditional and modern methods; 土洋李 native plum; 土样 soil sample; 土药 [旧] domestically made opium; 土语 local, colloquial expressions; local dialect; 土葬 burial in the ground; 土政策 local rules; rules or regulations imposed by local authorities; 土纸 handmade paper; 土质 properties of soil; soil texture; soil property; 土冢 grave mound; 土著 engonus; original inhabitants; aboriginals; aborigines; 土筑防御工事 earthwork; 土专家 self-taught expert; local expert; indigenous [layman] expert; 土砖 cob brick








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