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单词 lemon
释义 lemon /'lemsn; lemon/ n 1 (tree with) pale yellow fruit with acid juice used for drinks and flavouring. 棒样; 捧样树。→ the illus at fruit. 参看 fruit 之插图。' ~ drop n piece of boiled sugar flavoured with ~. 柠样糖。 ~ 'squash n drink of ~-juice and water or soda-water. 棒榛水; 柠様汽水。,~ squeezer n device for pressing juice out of a ~. 柠様榨汁器。 'sole n kind of edible flatfish, like a plaice. 一种骤。 2 (GB sl) silly and plainlooking person. (英俚) 带有优气而不漂亮的人。 ~ ade /Jemd'neid; , 1emsn'e1/ n [U] drink made from ~-juice, sugar and water. 柠檬水。




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