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单词 两耳不闻窗外事

两耳不闻窗外事liǎng ěr bù wén chuāng wài shì

bothears are shut to what goes on outside the window;completely ignore what is going on beyond one’s immediate surroundings; hold aloft from the affairs of the world (/reality); pay no heed to what is happening in the outside world
❍ 你们要安心学习,“~,一心专读圣贤书”,窗外事可以问一问,但不要因此不安心。(刘少奇《对马列学院第一班学员的讲话》) You should set your minds on your studies,completely ignore what is going on beyond your immediate surroundings and concentrate on reading the books written by sages.and men of virtue. Or you might take an interest in what goes on outside the window unless you can set your minds at rest.

两耳不闻窗外事liang er bu wen chuang wai shi

both ears shut to what goes on outside the window


completely ignore what is going on beyond one’s immediate surroundings





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更新时间:2025/3/2 4:37:15