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(说服别人听从自己的意见) try to persuade: 游 ~ go around urging rulers to adopt one's political views; peddle an idea; drum up support for a scheme or plan
另见 see also shuō; yuè。


❶ (用话表达) speak; talk; say: ~ 得多做得少 talk much but do little; 那未免 ~ 得太轻了。 That's putting it too mildly. 你 ~ 得很对。 What you say is quite true. 请 ~ 慢一点儿。 Please speak more slowly. 俗话 ~ , “吃一堑, 长一智”。 As the saying goes, “A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.” 她能 ~ 德语和法语 , 更不用说英语了。 She can speak German and French, not to speak of English. 他 ~ 个不停。 He talks without stopping. 我认为这些话 ~ 出来不是毫无意义的。 I don't think these words were uttered unmeaningly.
❷ (解释) explain: 他 ~ 了又 ~, 我还是不懂。 He explained and explained, but I still couldn't understand. 我一 ~ 他就明白了。 I told him how and he caught on at once.
❸ (责备; 批评) scold; criticize: 孩子做错了事, 母亲 ~ 了他一顿。 The mother gave her child a scolding for his wrong. Ⅱ (言论; 主张) theory; teachings; doctrine: 著书立 ~ write books to expound a theory; 异端邪 ~ strange and false doctrine
另见 see also shuì; yuè。
◆说白 spoken parts in an opera;
说不得 unspeakable; unmentionable; scandalous;
说不定 perhaps; maybe;
说不过 unable to outspeak [outdebate];说不过去 cannot be justified or explained away; have no excuse; hardly justifiable; doesn't make sense;
说不上 cannot say; cannot tell; not worth mentioning;
说曹操, 曹操就到 Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear.; Talk of the devil and he will appear.; Speak of angels and you hear their songs.; Speak of angels, and you will hear their wings.; Speak of the devil, and here he appears.;
说长道短 indulge in idle gossip; backbite people; gossip about people behind their backs; gossip idly; make captious comments; random talk; speak ill of a person who is absent;
说长论短 discuss a variety of subjects;
说唱 a genre of popular entertainment consisting mainly of talking and singing, e.g. comic dialogue, dagu, etc.;
说出 take the words out of sb.'s mouth;
说穿 tell what sth. really is; reveal; disclose;
说辞 excuse; plea;
说大话 brag; boast; talk big; draw the long bow; tell exaggerated [invented] stories; talk through one's hat;
说到 mention; speak of; refer to; as to;
说到底 in the final analysis; at bottom;
说到做到 suit the action to the word; act on what one says; act as one says; be as good as one's word; be truthful in speech and firm in action; do what one says; live up to one's words; match one's deeds to one's words; match one's words with deeds; One's deeds square with one's word; practise what one preach ̄es; whatever one professes, he does.;
说道 say;
说得过去 justifiable; passable;
说得来 can get along; be on good terms;
说定 settle; agree on;
说东道西 make all kinds of remarks; chatter away on a variety of things; engage in small talk; random talk;
说短道长 discussion as to who is right and who is wrong;
说法 way of saying a thing; wording; formulation; statement; version; argument;
说服 persuade; convince; prevail on; talk sb. over;
说好 come to an agreement [understanding];说好说歹 use all means of persuasion;
说和 mediate a settlement; compose a quarrel;
说合 bring two (or more) parties together; talk over; discuss;
说黑道白 practise groundless criticism; criticize others thoughtlessly;
说话 speak; talk; say; chat; talk; gossip; talk;
说黄道黑 tell lies about this and about that;
说谎 tell a lie; lie;
说教 (deliver a) sermon; preach(ing); expound something mechanically;
说客 person often sent to win sb. over or enlist his support through persuasion; persuasive talker; one who undertakes to “sell an idea”; hired agent to speak for sb.; lobbist;
说来话长 dwell on it at greater length; cannot explain all that in just a few words; It's a long story to tell.; It would take too long to tell that in full.; Thereby hangs a tale.;
说理 argue; reason things out; be reasonable;
说溜了嘴 (make) a slip of the tongue; crack the bell — leak out a secret; let the cat out of the bag; inadvertently blurt out;
说媒 act as matchmaker; act as go-between for betrothal;
说梦话 talk in one's dream; talk nonsense; talk in sleep;
说明 explain; illustrate; show; illustration; instruction; explication; specification; interpretation; demonstration; declaration; explanatory notes; explanation; directions; caption;
说起 bring up (subject); begin talking about; as for; with regard to;
说起来 in fact; as a matter of fact;
说亲 act as matchmaker;
说情 plead for mercy for sb.; solicit [ask for] favour on behalf of others; intercede for sb.;
说三道四 make carping [thoughtless] comments on; make irresponsible remarks;
说时迟, 那时快 quicker than words can tell; in a twinkling; before you can say knife; before one knows where he is; at a snap; the very moment;
说书 storytelling;
说死 fix definitely; make it definite;
说头儿 something to talk about; things to discuss; excuse;
说妥 come to an agreement;
说闲话 make idle talk; talk behind sb.'s back;
说项 put in a good word for sb.; intercede for sb.; try to persuade; ask leniency or special consideration;
说笑 chatting and laughing;
说一不二 mean what one says; He is a man of his word.; He is as good as his word.; never make a promise one cannot keep; say one and it never becomes two — one never changes his words; stand by one's word;
说着 with this;
说着玩儿 joke;
说嘴 brag; boast; [方] argue; quarrel


Ⅰ 同 “悦” [yuè] same as “悦” [yuè] Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 武 Yue Wu
另见 see also shuì; shuō。


persuasive rhetoric,persuasions; rhetorical anecdote

这个问题~小也小,~大也大。The issue may be a big or a small one,depending on how you look at it./~假话utter falsehoods/~老实话call a spade a spade;say sth as it is;say it like it is;be frank/~清道理explain things clearly





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