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单词 门当户对

门当户对mén dāng hù duì

a good match for sb’s daughter (/son) and sb’s family; a suitable marriage; be well-matched in social and economic status (for marriage); families are well matched;make a good match for sb. marry one’s own kind of people; marry of equal distinction; [of two related families united by marriage] of equal status or prestige; the two families are fairly well matched
❍ 想这等一个女婿,也~,不怎么坏了家声,辱了门止。(《西游记》256) Such a son-in-law,I should think,would be a good match for your daughter and your family.So,what’s all this about ruining your family’s reputation and damaging your standing in the community?/我左思右想,你俩家也算是~。(梁斌《红旗谱》254) I’ve been thinking this over carefully,and your families are well matched.
❍ 有人要过佩珊的帖子。她看来倒是~。(茅盾《子夜》294)Someone else is asking for Peishan’s hand,and she thinks he’d make a good match for her./“~”,祇是媒人惯说的可笑话; 我是想都不想到这上边去的。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》222)“Marrying one’s own kind of people” is a lot of silly nonsense put about by marriage-brokers;I should never even consider that aspect of it at all.
❍ 从彼此相距不远的凌家湾和江背屋成为~的亲家以后,濯水地方上的形势,起了变化——……(李六如《六十年的变迁》 1) After the families of Ling’s Retreat and Riverside House became relatives of equal distinction,a notable change took place in Zhuoshui…

门当户对men dang hu dui

be well-matched in social and economic status

门当户对men dang hu dui

be wellmatched in social and economic status


be well-matched in social and economic status


be well-matched in social and economic status(for marriage)
这两家~。The two families are fairly well matched in social status.

门当户对mén dānɡ hù duì

当:相称;对:符合。指男女双方家庭的社会地位和经济状况相当,适合结亲。be well-matched in social and economic status, marrying one’s own kind of people, in an equal walk of life





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