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单词 tail
tail/teɪl/ n & vt

n (1)尾(巴)(part of an animal that sticks out behind the rest of its body)[C]:the~of a dog/a bird/a fish/a reptile/a cow 狗/鸟/鱼/爬行动物/牛的尾巴;the~of an animal兽的尾巴;wag one's~摇摆尾巴;have (or with) one'sbetween one's legs 夹着尾巴;垂头丧气,不高兴地;thewagging the dog 本末倒置;小人得志;

(2)尾状(部)物(anything that lookshangsor trails like an animal's tail)[C]:the~of a comet/a kite/a procession/a car 彗星/风筝/行列/汽车的尾端;the~of an aircraft 飞机的尾端;the~of the queue/the journey 队伍的尾部/旅游的尾声;the~s of a coat 外衣的后摆;turn~逃跑;掉头(跑掉);~fin 尾鳍;

(3)臀部(buttocks)[C](sl):give sb a smack on the~打某人屁股一巴掌;sit down hard on one's~一屁股重重地坐下;

(4)跟踪的人(person employed to follow sb)[C]:put (get) a~on sb/the suspect 派人跟踪监视某人/犯罪嫌疑人;on the criminal's~跟踪犯人;

(5)钱币的背(反)面(side of a coin without the head of a ruleretc on it)[C,通常pl]:Heads or~s?(钱的)正面,还是反面?Heads I win,~s you lose. 正面我赢,反面你输(我赢定了)。make head orof sth 了解,弄明白;

→′tailback n 由于交通堵塞而排成长队的车辆;′tail-board n 后挡板;′tail-coat n 燕尾服;′tail-end n 末尾;′tail-lamp,′tail-light n(车辆的)尾灯;′tailless adj 无尾的;′taillessly adv 无尾地;′taillessness n 无尾;′tailpipe n 排气尾管;′tailplane n(飞机的)横尾翼;′tail-spin n(飞机的)尾旋下降;black-~ed 黑尾巴的;long-~ed 长尾的;curly-~ed 卷尾的;

vt (1)紧紧跟踪(尾随);盯(某人的)梢(follow sb closely usu to find out where he goes and what he does)[T+nT+n+prep]:The secret agent~ed the spy (the thief/the suspect) to his hotel. 密探尾随那个间谍(贼/犯罪嫌疑人)到他所住的那家旅馆。The police~ed me. 警察尾随着我。Santa Claus float~ed the parade. 圣诞老人的活动模型跟在游行的队伍后。〖同〗follow;

(2)摘除(去掉)(水果的柄)(cut the stalks off (fruitetc))[T+n]:top and~gooseberries 去掉醋栗的顶梢和柄;

tail away/off (v adv)(声音)静下来;下降;减小(退)(vi):The students~ed off when the headmaster entered the room. 当校长进入教室的时候,学生们静了下来。

tail after(v prep)跟在……后面(vt):You can't~after me all day; find something of your own to do. 你别整天总跟着我,找点自己的事情做。





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