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(记录孔子及其门徒的言行的“论语”) The Analects of Confucius; The Analects: 上[下] ~ The Analects Part One [Two]
另见 see also lùn 。
◆《论语》 The Analects of Confucius; The Analects 参见 “四书” [sī sū]


Ⅰ ❶ (分析和说明事理的话或文章) opinion; view; idea; statement: 社 ~ editorial; 立 ~ argument; line of reasoning; 绪 ~ introduction
❷ (学说) theory; doctrine: 相对 ~ the theory of relativity; 唯物 ~ materialism
❸ (文章等题目用语) dissertation; essay: 《实践 ~》 On Practice
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 恒 Lun Heng Ⅱ ❶ (分析和说明事理) discuss; argue; talk about: 评 ~ comment; discuss; review; 争 ~ dispute; debate
❷ (说; 看待) mention; regard; consider: 一概而 ~ consider different matters as the same; 相提并 ~ mention in the same breath
❸ (衡量; 评定) weigh; decide on: ~ 价 determine the price; 按质 ~ 等 decide on the grade according to the quality Ⅲ (按照单位或类别) by; regarding; in terms of: ~ 交情 on basis of friendship; ~ 日计算 count by day; 茶叶 ~ 磅卖。 Tea is sold by the pound.
另见 see also lún。
◆论辩 debate; 论处 decide on sb.'s punishment; punish; 论敌 opponent in a debate; 论点 argument; thesis; 论调 view; argument; 论断 inference; judgment; thesis; 论功行赏 reward according to [after] sb.'s deserts; award people according to their contributions; decide on awards on the basis of merit; dispense rewards according to one's merit; go over the records and decide on awards; render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's; reward according to merits; reward one according to his merit; 论据 grounds of argument; argument; 论理 normally; as things should be; logic; reason things out; have it out; 论列 expound; 论难 debate; argue against the opponent's viewpoint; 论述 discuss; expound; relate and analyze; 论说 comment; expound; exposition and argumentation; [口] normally; as things should be; 论坛 forum; tribune; 论题 {逻} proposition; thesis; 论文 thesis; dissertation; treatise; paper; 论文答辩 oral defence of one's dissertation; 论战 polemic; debate; argue; controversy; 论争 argument; debate; 论证 demonstration; proof; expound and prove [verify]; argument; argumentation; 论著 treatise; works; book; 论资排辈 be promoted according to status; arrange in order of seniority; by way of seniority; give top priority only to seniority in the selection (of cadres); (the idea that) seniority must be given top priority; 论罪 decide on the nature of the guilt





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