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单词 张冠李戴

张冠李戴zhāng guān lǐ dài

put Zhang’s hat on Li’s head—attribute sth to the wrong person: confuse one thing with another; get people (/the two) mixed up; go by mistaken identity; mistake one thing for another; put the boot on the wrong leg; take sb for sb else
❍ 物各有主,貌贵相宜; 窃张公之帽也,假李老而戴之。(田艺蘅《留青日扎》二十二) Everything belongs to its possessor,but outwardly it is essential that it fits properly. Otherwise,it is just like Zhang’s hat being worn by Li.

张冠李戴zhang guan li dai

put Zhang’s hat on Li’s head—attribute sth. to the wrong person or confuse one thing with another


put Zhang’s hat on Li’s head;Zhang’s cap is worn by Li—attribute sth to the wrong person(or confuse one thing with another)

张冠李戴zhānɡ ɡuān lǐ dài

冠:帽子。把姓张的帽子戴到了姓李的头上。比喻搞错了对象或弄错了事实。mistake one for the other, get people mixed up, attribute sth. to the wrong person or confuse one thing with another, get the wrong end of the stick





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更新时间:2025/3/3 17:22:56