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单词 讳疾忌医

讳疾忌医讳病忌医huì jí jì yī

conceal (/hide) a malady (/illheSS) for fear of treatment (/taking medicine) —conceal one's shortcomings and be reluctant to overcome them; conceal one's fault for fear of criticism
❍ 要像天天洗脸一样对待自己的缺点和错误,有病就治,不要~。A person should treat his own mistakes and shortcomirlgs ljke the dail y washing of his face,and one should go to the doctor when he falls ill,but should not conceal h is illness and avoid treatment.
❍ 你当着人这样胡喊乱闹,你自己有病,偏偏要讳病忌医,不肯叫医生治,这不就是神经上的病态么?(《曹禺选集·雷雨》58) Well,you've got all the symptoms of being neurotic—raving and screaming in front of other people. and refusing to have a doctor when you're ill. or even admit that you'r e ill.

讳疾忌医hui ji ji yi

hide one's sickness for fear of treatment—conceal one's fault for fear of criticism


hide (or conceal) one’s illness and avoid treatment;conceal one’s fault for fear of criticism;refuse to face up to one’s troubles or problems

讳疾忌医huì jí jì yī

讳:忌讳;忌:畏惧。隐瞒病情,害怕就医。比喻掩饰自己的缺点错误,不愿接受他人的批评帮助。conceal one’s fault for fear of criticism, hide one’s sickness for fear of treatment, hide one’s mistakes for fear of criticism





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