释义 |
卷土重来juǎn tǔ chóng láimake (/stage) a comeback; make a new onslaught; prepare for another round of fighting ❍ 若天津攻击竟至失败,则拟俟三四月间~。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—132) If I fail to take Tianjin by then,I shall attack again in the third or fourth month. ❍ 虽说现在已经有了~的希望,他仍然不免有点怅怅。(茅盾《子夜》107) Although he had a chance of making a comeback any day now,just the same,he couldn’t help feeling regretful about what he had missed. ❍ 他报告了事务顺手,时局有转机,并且他在香港亦已接洽好若干工商界有力份子,益中公司尚可~;……(茅盾《子夜》565) Apparently. Tang Yunshan was getting results in Hongkong,and the military situation was turning in their favour; he had made a number of extremely valuable business contacts in Hongkong,and with their assistance the Yi Zhong Company could be put on its feet again;…/不过他为了讨好上级,把这个事情压下来,可是在他心里,却不能不估计到飞虎队的~。(知侠《铁道游击队》552)Nevertheless,not wishing to displease his superiors,he kept this conjecture to himself ,although he sweated with fear at the bare thought that the “flying tigers”might return any moment. 卷土重来stage (or make)a comeback;make a new start after failure; renew an effort after failure;come back;return;re-emerge 卷土重来juǎn tǔ chónɡ lái比喻失败后重新组织力量反扑过来。stage a comeback, bob up like a cork, make a come back |