❶know;understand; recognize; acknowledge; realize
❷understanding; knowledge;cognition
~落后,才能去改变落后。Backwardness must be recognized before it can be changed./我们两国之间现在的问题是需要重新~。The question now is for our two countries to gain a new understanding of each other. or:The question between our two countries now is to get to know each other anew./美国~到,在台湾海峡两边的所有中国人都认为只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。(《中美上海公报》) The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is part of China./正确~国际形势have a correct understanding of the international situation; correctly size up the international situation/~到❶conscious of;cognizant of;mindful of(决议案用语)
❷come to realize;come to the realization of/感性~perceptual knowledge/理性~ rational knowledge/~过程process of cognition/~能力cognitive ability/~水平level of understanding/~论theory of knowledge; episte-mology