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❶ (经过研究或商议后立下) conclude;draw up;agree on:~ 合同 make [enter into] a contract;~ 计划 draw up [work out] a plan;~ 日期 fix [agree on] a date;~ 生产指标 set a production target;~ 条约 conclude a treaty
❷ (预先约定) subscribe to (a newspaper,etc.);book (seats,tickets,etc.);order (merchandise,etc.):~ 报纸 subscribe to a newspaper;~ 车票 book a ticket;~ 一桌酒席 order a dinner;
向旅社 ~ 房间 book [engage] a hotel room
❸ (改正文字中的错误) make corrections;revise:修 ~ revise
❹ (装订) staple together;bind:用订书钉把试卷纸 ~ 在一起 staple papers together;
他把报纸 ~ 在一起。 He bound the newspapers together.
◆订舱 booking space;booking cargo space;chartering space;
订单 order for goods;order form;
订房间 make room reservation;
订费 subscription (rate);
订购 order (goods);place an order for sth.;send for;
订户 (报刊的订阅者) subscriber (to a newspaper or periodical);(牛奶的用户) a person or household with a standing order for milk;
订婚 be engaged to;be betrothed to;engage;promise to marry;give one's hand to sb.;agree to marry;plight oneself to sb.;reach an agreement to marry sb.;enter into betrothal;bind oneself in marriage;engagement;[古] troth plight;
订货 order goods;place an order for goods;
订货合同 good-ordering contract;order contract;
订交 become friends;form a friendship;
订立 conclude;make;
订票手续费 the service fee of booking tickets;
订钱 arles;
订书钉 staple;
订书机 book sewer;stitcher;stapler;stapling-machine;
订位 booking;reservation;
订约 engage;conclude a bargain [treaty];enter into an agreement;
订阅 subscribe to (a newspaper,periodical,etc.);
订正 make corrections;correct;revise;emend;correction;reduction





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