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单词 ajax (ajax telamonius):

Ajax (Ajax Telamonius):

(Gr.myth.) Ajax,son ofTelamon,a brave warrior of the Greek host besiegingTroy.He was a man of giant stature,daring,boastfuland slow-witted. Maddened by the refusal of Greekleaders to give him Achilles’armour and weapon,hekilled a flock of sheep in a blind fury,believing themto be his enemies.台拉蒙之子埃杰克斯,围攻特洛伊的希腊大军中的一个勇士。他身材魁梧,作战勇敢,但爱说大话而又头脑迟钝,因为希腊首领们未将阵亡英雄阿喀琉斯的盔甲武器给他,他在发疯狂怒之中把一群羊当做仇人杀死了。
△L.L.L. 4. 3. 6:“By the Lord,this love is as mad as Ajax.”主啊,这一场恋爱就像埃杰克斯一样疯狂。
△L.L.L. 5. 2. 576 (578):“your lion,that holds his poll-axe sitting on a close-stool,will be given to Ajax:he will be the ninth wor-thy.”你那头举着板斧、坐在马桶上的狮子只好给了埃杰克斯,让他做第九个伟人。
△Shr. 3.1.54 (53): “Mistrust it not;for,sure,Aeacides/ Was Ajax,called so from hisgrandfather.”不要疑心,因为埃阿西得斯就是埃杰克斯,是按照他的祖父取的名字。(按:这句话并无意义,只是为了迷惑霍坦西奥,使他以为比恩卡仍在上拉丁文课。)
△Lr.2.2.131(124): “None of these rogues and cowards / But Ajaxis their fool.”i.e. Any rogue or coward can make afool of Ajax.”这些流氓和懦夫,没有一个不把埃杰克斯当做傻瓜来愚弄的。(按:此语暗示康华尔受小人愚弄,因此康华尔听了大怒。)
△2H.VI. 5.1.26: “And now,like AjaxTelamonius,/On sheep or oxen could I spend my fu-ry.”现在,我能像台拉蒙之子埃杰克斯一样,在牛羊身上发泄我的狂怒。





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