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单词 计划


❶plan; project; program
❷map out;plan
制定~ make (or draw up,work out) a plan /有~的商品经济planned commodity economy/宏伟的~ magnificent project/切实可行的~ feasible(or workable) plan/五年~fiveyear plan/行动~ program of action/指导性~ guidance plan/指令性~ mandatory plan/~拟订工作(团)programming mission/~支助program support/~的措施planned measures/~报废planned obsolescence /~项目planned project/~周期planning cycle/~概算planning estimates /~指导说明program advising note/~评估program appraisal/~拨款program appropriation/~外的产品products produced over and above the plan/~外的项目projects outside the plan /~生产planned production /~收购 planned state purchase/~体制planning system/~增长指标planned growth target/~费用program cost/~执行program delivery/~的指定用途款额program earmarkings/~重点program emphasis/~评价program evaluation/~资金筹供办法program funding/~执行情况program implementation/~贷款program lending/~任务program mandate/~业务和机构program operation and service/~说明书program presentation/~政策工作人员program policy staff/~单列企业enterprise under direct state control/~法planning law/~内planned;included in(or under) the plan/~内建设project included in the plan /~内投资planned investment; investment under the plan/~外unplanned; outside the plan /~外固定资产投资fixed-asset investment outside the plan/~外生育unplanned birth/~外项目 project outside the plan/~外用工employees not covered by the plan





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