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❶ (用嘴含) hold in the mouth: ~ 着烟斗 have a pipe between one's teeth; 燕子 ~ 泥筑窠。 Swallows carry bits of earth in their bills to build nests.
❷ (存在心里) harbour; bear: ~ 恨 harbour resentment; bear a grudge Ⅱ (级别) rank; title: 大使 ~ 常驻代表 permanent representative with the rank of ambassador; 公使 ~ 参赞 counsellor with rank of minister
◆衔悲茹恨 harbour sorrow and resentment; 衔草营巢 gather grasses for a nest; 衔恨 harbour resentment; bear a grudge; 衔华佩实 bear both flowers and fruits — a good essay which has solid substance and beautiful sentences; blossom and bear fruit; 衔环相[以]报 be like the wounded bird, who was saved by a kind preserver, returned with the precious reward of jade in his beak; carry a bracelet in the beak as recompense — repay with gratitude; express gratitude to one's benefactor; will repay with gratitude; 衔接 link up; join; connect; 衔枚疾走 (army) hastening with mouth gags (in night attacks); 衔石填海 carry stones in the beak to fill up the sea — cast water into the Thames; labour in vain; 衔铁 {电} armature; anchor; armature iron; reed; keeper; 衔尾相随 walk in Indian file; follow one after another; proceed like a school of fishes one after another; walk one after the other; 衔冤 nurse [harbour] a bitter sense of wrong [injustice]; have a simmering sense of injustice; 衔冤而死 die with one's name uncleared; die with a simmering sense of injustice; with a bitter sense of wrong and die

官~ official rank/学~ academic title/公使~参赞minister-counsellor/大使~常驻副代表deputy permanent representative with the rank of ambassador (or with ambassadorial rank); ambassador,deputy permanent representative/参赞~处长 division chief with the rank of counsellor;counsellor,division chief/一秘~翻译 1st secretary interpreter; interpreter with the rank of 1st secretary





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