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单词 言者无罪,闻者足戒

言者无罪,闻者足戒yán zhě wú zuì , wén zhě zú jiè

blame not the speaker but be warned by his words;blame not the critic,heed what he says; do not blame the one who speaks but heed what you hear
❍ 知无不言,言无不尽;~;有则改之,无则加勉。(周恩来《在文艺工作座谈会和故事片创作会议上的讲话》)Say all you know and say it without reserve; blame not the speaker but be warned by his words; and correct mistakes if you have committed them and guard against them if you have not.
❍ 主文而谲谏,言之者无罪,闻之者足以戒。(《诗经·大序》) The principal thing in them was their style,and reproof wascunningly insinuated. They might be spoken without giving offence,and the hearing of them was sufficient to make men careful of their conduct.

言者无罪,闻者足戒yan zhe wu zui,wen zhe zu jie

not to blame the speaker but be warned by his words

言者无罪,闻者足戒yán zhě wú zuì,wén zhě zú jié

言者:说话的人;闻者:听话的人;戒:警戒。提意见的人所提的意见即使不正确,也是无罪的;听取意见的人即使没有所批评的缺点错误,也要引以为戒。blame not the speaker but be warned by his words, blame not the critic, heed what he says





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