释义 |
言yánⅠ ❶ (话) speech; word: 发 ~ make a speech; take the floor; 失 ~ a slip of the tongue; 豪 ~ 壮语 brave [proud] words; 无 ~ 以对 have nothing to say in reply; 一 ~ 不发 not utter a word; 有 ~ 在先 let it be clearly understood beforehand ❷ (汉语的一个字) character; word: 五 ~ 诗 a poem with five characters to a line; 全书近20万 ~。 It is a book of nearly 200,000 words. ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 友恂 Yan YouxunⅡ (说) say; talk; speak: ~ 明 state explicitly; clearly stipulate; 知无不 ~ ,~ 无不尽 say all you know and say it without reserve; 自 ~ 自语 talk to oneself; 不幸 ~ 中。 The prophecy has unfortunately come true. 妙在不 ~ 中。 The best part lies in what is left unsaid. ◆言必信, 行必果 Promise must be kept and action must be resolute.; always be true in word and resolute in deed; 言必有信 be as good as one's word; 言必有中 speak to the purpose [the point of articulation]; clear up the matter in a single sentence; hit the target with one remark; 言不由衷 talk insincerely; a left-handed compliment; be insincere in one's words [speech]; not to say what one thinks in one's mind; not to speak honestly; One's heart is far from one's lips.; One's words belie one's mind.; say one thing and mean another; 言传 explain in words; 言传身教 teach by precept and example; set up examples for others with both precept and practice; 言辞[词] one's words; what one says; 言多必失 He that talks much errors much.; Least said, soonest mended.; 言而无信 fail to keep faith; eat one's words; fail to live up to one's promise; 言而有信 keep a promise inviolate(d); be faithful in word; be true to one's word; make good one's promises; 言归于好 make it up with sb.; be reconciled (after a quarrel); kiss and be friends; make up a quarrel; 言归正传 hark back to the subject; and now to be serious; come to business; lead the conversation to serious things; 言过其实 exaggerate; make a mountain out of a molehill; over state; 言简意赅 concise and comprehensive; A few simple remarks succinctly expressed one's ideas.; 言教 teach by word of mouth; teach by precept; give verbal directions; 言近旨远 simple words but deep meaning; Simple in language but profound in meaning.; Some simple words carry a profound meaning.; 言路 channels through which criticisms and suggestions may be communicated to the leadership; 言论 opinion on public affairs; views on politics; expression of one's political views; speech; 言人人殊 Different people give different views.; Each person offers a different version.; 言三语四 make irresponsible remarks; 言谈 the way one speaks or what he says; 言听计从[用] One's words are obeyed, one's plans are followed out [realized].; act at sb.'s beck and call; always follow sb. advice; 言外之意 implication; idea not expressed in words; beyond the actual words; sth. beyond the literal words; subaudition; 言为心声 Words are the voice of the mind.; One's words are reflection of one's thinking.; Speech is the voice of the soul.; 言行 words and deeds; statements and actions; 言行不一 One's words are not matched by deeds.; contradiction between one's words and deeds.; One does not do what one preaches.; One's doings belie one's commitments.; 言行一致 match word to deed; be as good as one's words; live up to one's words; One's deeds square with one's words.; 言有尽而意无穷 There's an end to the words, but not to their message.; 言语 spoken language; speech; verbal; lalia; 言语 [方] speak; talk; answer; 言责 [旧] duty of expressing criticism or opinion during tenure of office; 言者无心, 听者有意 A casual remark sounds significant to a suspicious listener.; A careless word may reveal much to an attentive listener.; 言者无罪, 闻者足戒 Do not blame the man who speaks but heed what you hear [he says].; Blame not the speaker but be warned by his words.; 言之无物 talk endlessly with no substance at all; be devoid of substance; 言之有据 speak on good grounds; arguments bottomed on facts; 言之有理 It stands to reason.; hold water; said with solid judgment; speak with reason — a logical statement; talk [speak] sense; 言重 speak so seriously and strongly as to embarrass sb. |