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单词 suspect
suspectvt /sǝ′spekt/ [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n & adj /′sʌspekt/

vt (1)认(以)为(think without being sure or without having proof)[T+nT+thatC+n+to-inf]:~danger/trouble以为有危险/麻烦;begin to~an ambush/a plot 开始认为有埋伏/阴谋;I~(that there is) a trap. 我认为有陷井。The early Greeks were the first to~that the earth is round. 早期的希腊人最早认为地球是圆的。~sb to be dying/have done sth以为某人要死了/做过某事;~sb to be a spy/sth to be a lie 认为某人是间谍/某事是谎言;〖同〗believe,think;

(2)怀疑(某人)犯有罪错(consider (sb) possibly guiltywithout having proof)[T+nT+n+prep (of)]:The milk jug has been overturned,and I~the cat. 牛奶壶翻了,我怀疑是猫搞的。Whom do you~(of the crime)? 你怀疑是谁(犯的罪)? He seems to have~ed me of murder/some revolutionary designs. 他似乎曾怀疑我谋杀过人/有进行变革的图谋。He was~ed, and accused of selling state secrets/being the thief/receiving stolen property. 他被怀疑并被指控出卖国家机密/是小偷/收受被盗财产。

(3)怀疑,不信任(have suspicion;mistrust)[T+n]:~everybody/sb's motives/sb's sincerity/sb's air of honesty/the truth of sb's statement 怀疑所有的人/某人的动机/某人的真诚/某人诚实的姿态/陈述的真实性;He says he is doing it only for his children but I~his reasons. 他说他做这事只是为了孩子,但是我不相信他的理由。The police don't know who committed the crime,but they~Johnson. 警方不知道谁犯罪,但是他们怀疑约翰逊。〖同〗mistrust,doubt,distrust,question;〖反〗trust,believe;

(4)猜想,觉得(suppose)[T+that](infml):I~the children will want to go home soon/they'll be a little late. 我猜想孩子们想尽快回家/他们会晚一点。〖同〗guess,imagine,fancy,judge,presume,suppose;〖反〗 know;

→suspected adj 被怀疑的;suspicion n;

n 嫌疑人(person who is thought guilty)[C]:Several murder~s were arrested. 几名凶杀嫌疑人被逮捕。There are three possible~s in this murder case. 在这一凶杀案中,可能有三名嫌疑人。The~is being held at the police headquarters for questioning. 嫌疑人羁押在警察局受审。

adj 可疑的,靠不住的(that one cannot trust or be sure about):a rather~result 一个相当可疑的结果;a~tyre 不保险的轮胎;I think the statement/the evidence(for this theory)/his reasons (for being absent) is~. 我认为该陈述/(这一理论的)证据/他(缺席)的理由是靠不住的。His fitness cannot be~. 他的健康状况是靠得住的。

→sus′picion n





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