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单词 according
according/ ə′kɔ:diŋ, AmE -′kɔ:r-/

according to  prep

(1)依(根)据(as stated or indicated by sb or sth):A~to the teacher/historians/evidence/papers/statistics/records/weather report,that is true.根据老师所说/历史学家的看法/迹象/报纸/统计资料/记录/气象预报,那是真的。A~to Mark,the bank closes at 4 p.m./it will rain/the cause of death was drowning.据马克说,银行下午4点关门/将要下雨/死因为溺水。

(2)按(遵)照(in a manner that agrees with sth):act~to plans/schedules/one's judgement/one's principles/one's promise/sb's instructions 按照计划/计划表/自己的判断/自己的准则/自己的承诺/某人的指示行动;dress~to the weather按气候的不同穿衣;organize classes~to age 按年龄分班;choose~to what one wants 根据愿望进行挑选;Isn't it~to the international law? 难道这不合乎国际法?

(3)按(比率)(in proportion to):salary~to ability/skill/qualifications/experience 按能力/技能/资历/经验付薪;be paid~to the amount of work one has done报酬取决于工作量;be taxed~to one's income level纳税额根据收入水平定;From each~to his ability,to each~to his needs.各尽所能,按需分配。Clothing is sized~to body measurements.衣服按身体尺寸分大小。

(4)按(顺序)(in the order of):arrange the books~to subjects/authors/size/the first letter按照科目/作者/大小/首字母排列书籍;

according as conj 按照,根据(fml):You may go or stay,~as you decide/you prefer.或走或留,由你决定/随你所愿。He'll be praised or blamed~as his work is good or bad/as he passes or fails the examination.根据他工作的好坏/考试是否及格,他将受到表扬或指责。contribute~as one is able根据能力做贡献;earn~as how one works根据工作好坏取得报酬;

→ ac′cordingly adv 根据情况;因此,所以;

【辨异】in accordance withaccording to 的区别见ACCORDANCE。





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