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Ⅰ ❶ (被子) quilt:棉 ~ cotton-wadded quilt;
鸭绒 ~ eiderdown quilt;
夹 ~ lined quilt;
毛巾 ~ towelling coverlet
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 瞻 Bei Zhan Ⅱ [书] ❶ (遮盖) cover;spread:~ 覆 cover
❷ (遭遇) suffer:~ 灾 be hit by a natural calamity Ⅲ (用在动词前构成被动词组):~ 骗 be deceived;be cheated;~ 批评 be criticized;~ 剥削 be exploited Ⅳ (用在句子中表示主语是动作的承受者):帽子 ~ 风刮掉了。 The cap was blown off.
◆被包围 enclosure;be encompassed;be surrounded;
被保护文件 protected file;
被保险人 assured;the insured;insurant;
被保险物 subject of insurance;
被保证人 warrantee;
被背书人 endorsee;
被逼 be forced [compelled];被剥削阶级 the exploited class;
被捕 be arrested;be under arrest;
被乘数 {数} multiplicand;
被除数 {数} dividend;
被单 (bed) sheet;coverlet;coverlid;bed linen;
被盗 be victimized by burglary;be stolen;
被调用程序 called program;called procedure;
被定义项 defined term;
被动 passive;unactive;passivity;
被动挨打 being in a passive position and taking a beating;be put in the passive position of having to receive blows;
被动性 passivity;passiveness;
被俘 be captured;be taken prisoner;
被服 bedding and clothing (esp. for army use);
被覆 cover;{地质} superposition;superimposition;
被告 {律} defendant;the accused;
被根除 be uprooted;uprootedness;
被管制人 a person under the surveillance;
被害 be murdered;be killed;be assassinated;
被毁 be destroyed;
被加数 {数} addend;augend;summand;
被减数 {数} minuend;number from which another number is subtracted;
被叫号码 called number;
被劫 be robbed;be kidnapped;
被劫持 be held as a hostage;
被解雇 be fired;[俚] get the sack [gate;push;boot;mitten;bounce;hook;axe];被控 controlled;manipulated;
被里 the underneath side of a quilt;
被面 the facing of a quilt;the cover side of a quilt [comforter];被拍卖 under the hammer;
被抛弃 abandoned;
被迫 be compelled;be forced;be constrained;be coerced;
被欺 cheated;
被侵略者 victim of aggression;
被人利用的人 cat's paw;
被辱 be insulted or humiliated;
被褥 bedding;bedclothes;bedding and mattress;
被杀害 be killed;be murdered;[口] get the works;
被套 bed sack;bedding bag;quilt cover;cotton wadding for a quilt;
被提名人 nominee;
被选举权 the right to be elected;stand electing right;
被选举人 the person to be elected;candidate of an election;
被寻地址 {计} addressee;
被压迫民族 oppressed nation;
被遗忘 pass into silence;
被灾蒙祸 suffer disaster;suffer from personal misfortunes [adversities];被粘物 adherend;
被指定人 assignee;nominee;
被转让人 transferee;
被子实体 angiocarp;
被子植物 angiosperm





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