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单词 虚无缥缈

虚无缥缈xū wú piāo miǎo

airy; cloud-built;entirely unreal; gossamer; illusory; insubstantial;mirage; purely imaginary; utterly visionary
❍ 忽闻海上有仙山,山在~间:楼阁玲珑五云起,其中绰约多仙子。(《白居易诗选·长恨歌》16) Till he heard of a fairy mountain|In the ocean of a never-never land. |Ornate pavilions rose through coloured clouds,|Wherein dwelt lovely fairy folk.
❍ 由是一而二,二而三,追思起来,想到《庄子》上的话,~,人生在世,难免风流云散!(《红楼梦》475) His thoughts wandering,he recalled Zhuang Zi’s saying about the illusory nature of life and felt that men were born to drift with the wind and scatter like clouds.

虚无缥缈xū wú piāo miǎo

缥缈:隐隐约约,若有若无的样子。好像有,又好像没有。形容虚幻渺茫,不可捉摸。with no reality whatever, cloud land, airy, in the clouds, nothing to hold on, entirely unreal





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