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单词 instinct
释义 instinct /'instiijkt; hnstiijkt/ n 1 [U] natural tendency to behave in a certain way without reasoning or training: 本能: Birds learn to fly by ~. 鸟学飞系出于本能。 2 [C] innate impulse or intuition; instance of ~⑴:未性的冲动; 直血; 愚本能行事的实例: He seems to have an ~ for always doing and saying the right thing. 他好像有做事说话永不出错的本能。 pred adj /.in'stiijkt; in'stmkt/ ~ with, filled with, animated by: 充满; 受…的鼓舞: a picture ~ with life; 充满生气的一幅画; a poem ~ with passion. 充诵热情的一首诗。 irvstinctive /in'stigktiv; m'stiijktiv/ adj based on ~, not coming from training or teaching: 凭本能的; 天生的: Animals have an ~ive dread of fire. 动物天生怕火. instinctively adv




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