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单词 stream
stream/stri:m/ n & v

n (1)小河(溪)(small river or brook)[C]:a small mountain~山间小溪;jump across a~跳过小溪;The~is full of trout. 溪中有许多鲑鱼。〖同〗streamlet,brook;

(2)(水等的)流(current of sth flowing or moving)[C]:leaves moving/floating along with the~顺流飘动/漂浮着的叶子;go up/down~逆流而上/顺流而下;

(3)流,涌,川流不息(continuous flow of liquidairpeoplethingsetc)[C][N (of)]:a~of water/blood一股水流/血;a~of words/insults/complaints 滔滔不绝之言/一连串的侮辱/连续的抱怨;a cold air~一股寒流;~s of visitors/traffic 川流不息的参观者/车水马龙;stream of consciousness 意识流;get into the wrong~(lane) of traffic 进入逆行车流;Soon after that people began coming in~s.此后不久人们开始川流不息地到来。〖同〗flow,run,course,rush,race;

(4)按程度分的班(小组)((in some school)class or division of a class into which children of the same age are divided according to ability)[C](尤BrE):the A.B.C.etc~A、B、C等程度小组;five~s 五个班;the top/bottom~尖子/差生班;He is a clever boy. He has always been in the A-~. 他是个聪明的孩子,一直在A班。

go/swim with/against the stream 随大流/反潮流:Jack hasn't the courage to go against the~. 杰克没有勇气去反潮流。

on stream 在生产/运转:The new steel plant has now come on~. 新钢厂现已投产。

v(1)流,淌,涌(flow or move in or as if in a stream)[II+prep]:Smoke makes my eyes~. 烟呛得我眼睛直流泪。Sweat/Tears~down her face. 汗水/眼泪从她脸上淌下。People were~ing out of the station/the great hall/the cinema 人们从车站/大厅/电影院涌出。Blood~ed from the wound. 血从伤口处不断流出。Cars~ed over the bridge. 汽车从桥上川流不息地驶过。The moonlight~ed through the window. 月光由窗户照进室内。〖同〗flow,pour,run,issue,course,rush,burst,spill,flood;

(2)流(涌)出(send out a stream of sth)[T+n]:Her eyes~ed tears. 她的眼睛流出了泪水。The wound~ed blood. 伤口流出了血。

(3)流着,排出(pour forth or give off)[II+prep (with)]:The walls were~ing with water. 墙上滴着水。The street were~ing with tourists. 街上走着川流不息的旅游者。The wound was~ing with blood. 伤口流着血。His body was~ing with sweat. 他身上流着汗。〖同〗flow,overflow;

(4)飘动(扬),招展(float or wave in the air)[II+prepI+adv]:The flags~ed in the wind. 旗子在风中飘扬。Her long hair was~ing (over her shoulder). 她那长发(在肩头)飘拂。The wind caught her scarf,and it~ed out. 风吹起她的头巾,使其飘起来了。〖同〗wave,float,blow,extend;

(5)按程度分班(组)(put (school children) in classes or divisions according to abilities)[T+n,通常pass](尤BrE): Many people disapprove of~ing (children) in schools. 许多人不赞同学校(对孩子们)按程度分班。The pupils are~ed into five ability groups. 学生们按照能力高低被分成五个组。

→′streamer n 长旗;长条彩色纸带;报纸通栏标题;′streaming n 按能力分班;′streamline v 使成流线型;使合理化;提高效率;′streamlined adj 流线型的





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