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单词 萍踪浪迹

萍踪浪迹píng zōng làng jī

like a rolling stone always on the move; drift about; float about free as duckweed
❍ 你是~倘然去了不来,岂不误了人家一辈子的大事? (《红楼梦》860) But you’re such a rolling stone,always on the move. If you drift away now and don’t come back,what’s to become of her?/倘或不来时,他是~,知道几年才来? (《红楼梦》858) ❶If he hasn’t come back and is still drifting about,Heavan knows how many years he may stay away.
❷His whereabouts are uncertain,as he goes hither and thither like a floating weed. It may be years before he is found.
❍ 你又不大在家,知道你天天~,没个一定的去处。(《红楼梦》586) You’re so seldom at home,floating about free as duckweed everyday, one never knows where to find you.

萍踪浪迹pínɡ zōnɡ lànɡ jī

行踪漂泊不定,就像浮萍一样。come and go without trace, drift about, float about free as duckweed, wandering aimlessly





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