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单词 荣华富贵

荣华富贵富贵荣华róng huá fù guì

glory,splendour,wealth and rank; high position and great wealth; a life of luxury and splendour; fame and riches
❍ 姑娘这样人品,这样人家,将来配个好姑爷,享一辈子的~……(《红楼梦》1470) A lovely young lady like you,from such a fine family too,is bound to make a good match and enjoy a life of luxury and splendour…/乖乖,好好念书呀!妈会想法子寻钱供给你上中学,上大学,要是留洋回来,那就比中了女状元还享不清的~哩!(杨沫《青春之歌》12) Be a good girl,my dear,and study hard! Mother will find money for you to finish high school and go on to the university. If you go abroad for post-graduate study,you’ll come back better off than a woman zhuang yuan—and there’ll be no limit to your fame and riches!/他就是坐了金銮宝殿,我也不眼红他的霞帔凤冠,他去享他的~,我甘愿喝我的酸菜汤。(王汶石《风雪之夜》73) I couldn’t care less even if he were to wear a crown. He can go ahead and enjoy his wealth and honour,I won’t quarrel with my pickled cabbage soup…/凡是成了皇后和受宠的妃子,她们的家族便一步登天,十分~。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—742) If a girl became an empress or imperial concubine,then her family naturally rose in status and enjoyed great wealth and luxury.


glory,splendour,wealth and rank;high position and great wealth


glory; splendor,wealth and rank;high position and great wealth
享尽~ enjoy all the benefits of wealth and power;enjoy all the comforts of luxury and pomp

荣华富贵rónɡ huán fù ɡuì

荣华:昌盛显耀。形容有钱有势,官高位显。high position and great wealth, enjoy one’s wealth and honour





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