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单词 依依不舍

依依不舍依依难舍yī yī bù shě

be reluctant to leave;can hardly(/not) bear to leave; hard to tear oneself away; regret at parting; unwilling to part from (/with)
❍ 巧姐等在刘老老家住熟了,反是~,更有青儿哭着,恨不能留下。(《红楼梦》1531)But by now she felt so at home here that she was reluctant to leave,while Qinger burst into tears,unwilling to part with her.
❍ 小萝卜头~地向成岗说: “我走了,这回,真的走了。” (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》407) Reluctantly he added:“I’m going. This time I’m really going.”/读毕, 遂焚帛奠茗, ~。 (《红楼梦》1034) After chanting this he burned the silk and poured a libation of tea,still reluctant to leave the place.
❍ 玉宝爬起来,浑身伤痕疼得厉害,看见老师站在那里气得浑身直哆嗦,玉宝~地叫了一声: “老师! ……”话还没出口,保长上去又把他推了一个跟头,叫道:“快放猪去!”(《高玉宝》89) Yubao struggled to his feet,his whole body aching. He could hardly bear to leave the teacher,who was standing there trembling with anger. And as the boy started to say goodbye the bao chief gave him another shove which sent him sprawling again. “Go mind the pigs,quick!” he roared.
❍ 人们送了一程又一程,一直送到山口的大道上,这才~地互相告别。(石文驹《战地红缨》251)The villagers escorted the group all the way to the mountain pass for a reluctant farewell.
❍ 大家都感到~。(杨佩瑾《剑》 377) The dominant mood was one of regret at parting.

依依不舍yī yī bù shě

依依:留恋;舍:放开。形容对人或地方产生了感情,不忍离去。can not bear part, hard to tear oneself away, be distressed at parting





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