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单词 若无其事

若无其事ruò wú qí shì

as if nothing had happened(/occurred) —calm; indifferent; adopt a devil-may-care attitude; appear (/look) undisturbed (/unconcerned); as casual as one can; as if nothing were amiss;as if nothing was (/were) the matter;carry on as if nothing had occurred; carry it off well;indifferent and aloof; nonchalant (ly)/“宋先生,您出去这几天是为抢麦子的事么?” 道静不能不把最担心的事,装做~的样子问宋郁彬。(杨沫《青春之歌》339)“Mr Song,did you go into town just on account of the wheat?”She made the question as casual as she could.
❍ 看到信函,果然,便捏在手心里,~地回进内堂。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》209) She did look,though,and saw that she was right; she crumpled it into her palm and went back into the room behind the reception-hall trying to look unconcerned.
❍ 胡梦安仰在椅子上~地微笑着: …… (杨沫《青春之歌》222) Still lying back as if nothing were amiss,he continued with a smile:…/李槐英和黄梅霜两个混在惊慌乱窜的人群中挤进车站里面。黄梅霜~地拉着她的女友,昂然地走向卖月台票的窗口,……(杨沫《青春之歌》534) The two girls entered the station with the milling crowd,and Meishuang,stepping confidently as if nothing were the matter,drew her friend to the ticket-office./ “王晓燕,你上课去?”道静~地笑着和她打招呼。(杨沫《青春之歌》485)“Are you going to a lecture?”Daojing smiled as if nothing were wrong.
❍ 罗超自觉难堪,却仍装做~的样子说: “我把材料整理出来,就寄给你吗?”(王汶石《风雪之夜》67) Luo left even more embarrassed,but spoke as though nothing had happened. “Shall I mail the material to you when I have it ready?”/老师傅~地操作着。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》105) He worked steadily and calmly as if it were nothing out of the ordi nary.
❍ 剑波倒沉着起来,站在那里,~地手扶着自行车。(曲波 《林海雪原》41) The young PLA man had regained his composure. He stood calmly,holding his bicycle./“我现在就是来跟你商量啊!”秀苇~的回答。(高云览《小城春秋》309)“I’m discussing it with you now,” said Xiuwei coolly.
❍ 她常常把别人逗得心上心下,着急得无可奈何,她自己却装出~的正经样子。(巴金《春天里的秋天》) She often provoked me till I felt quite frantic,yet she herself pretended to be indifferent and aloof.


as if nothing had happened;calmly;casually

若无其事ruò wú qí shì

好像没有那回事一样。形容镇定自若,也比喻根本不把事情放在心上。calmly, carry it off well, as if nothing had happened





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