苍(蒼)cānɡⅠ ❶ (深绿色) dark green: ~ 松 green pines ❷ (蓝色) blue: ~ 天 the blue sky ❸ (灰白色) grey;ashy: ~ 髯 a grey beard Ⅱ ❶ (指天空) the blue sky;the sky above: 上 ~ Heaven;God ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 英 Cang Ying ◆苍白 pallor;pale;pallid;wan;feeble; 苍苍 (灰白) grey;(苍茫) vast and hazy; 苍翠 dark green;verdant; 苍耳 {植} XanThium sibiricum;Siberian cocklebur; 苍耳子 {中医} cocklebur fruit;the achene of Siberia cocklebur;Fructus Xanthii; 苍黄 (灰黄色) greenish yellow; 苍劲 (用于树木) old and strong;(用于书画) vigorous;bold; 苍老 (老态) hoary and old;aged;old;(笔力雄健) vigorous;forceful; 苍凉 desolate;bleak; 苍龙 black dragon;[喻] most ferocious person; 苍鹭 {动} Ardea cineria rectirostris;heron; 苍绿 verdant; 苍[沧]茫 (空阔辽远) vast;boundless;(没有边际;迷茫) indistinct; 苍穹 [书] the vault of heaven;the firmament; 苍生 [书] the common people; 苍松 green pines; 苍天 (天空) the blue sky;(天,天神) Heaven; 苍头 [书] (奴仆) servants (with green turbans in old China);lackey;(士兵) green-turbaned soldiers; 苍鹰 Accipiter gentilis schvedowi;goshawk;tiercel;tercel; 苍蝇 fly; 苍郁 [书] verdant and luxuriant; 苍术 rhizoma atractylodis;the rhizome of Chinese atractylode |