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单词 青面獠牙

青面獠牙qīng miàn liáo yá

green-faced and long toothed—terrifying in appearance; ferocious (/hideous/fiendish) features (of an ogre); mon strous
❍ 幸有崔判官唤一~鬼使,喝退了建成、元吉,太宗方得脱身而去。(《西游记》138) …and only when Judge Cui called a blue-faced,hook-tusked demon to drive them away could he escape and continue his jour ney.
❍ 他想自己是到了登场的时期了,装扮好了,怀着怯弱的怨抑的心情踅上去,那知等着在场的是一个~的魔鬼,还是一条口中喷火的青龙。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》22—23)Well,here he was,all dressed up for his part and waiting to go on,in a mood of apprehension and frustration,but what was waiting for him on the stage—a dark-faced,sharp-fanged demon,perhaps? Or a venomous,fire-belching dragon?/这时,那位假慈祥的人露出了~的凶相。(鲁迅《狂人日记》) At this time the man who had pretended to be very kind revealed the ferocious features of an ogre.
❍ 看见满屋子里都是些~,拿刀举棒的恶鬼。(《红楼梦》1061) Still,I saw green faced and long-fanged devils all over the place.
❍ 有的是看不出面貌,似乎用布蒙着;有的是仍旧~,抿着嘴笑。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅰ—8) I could not see all their faces,for they seemed to be masked in cloths; some of them looked pale and ghastly still,concealing their laughter.

青面獠牙qing mian liao ya

greenfaced and long-toothed—terrifying in appearance

青面獠牙qīnɡ miàn liáo yá

獠牙:露在外面的黄牙。形容面貌狰狞、凶恶。terrifying in appearance, fiendish monders, monstrous-looking





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