芦(蘆)lú ❶ {植} (芦苇) reed ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 俊 Lu Jun 另见 see also lǔ。 ◆芦丁 melim; rutir; sophorin; rutin; 芦根 {中药} rhizoma phragmitis; reed rhizome; 芦沟桥事变 Lugouqiao Incident; 芦花 reed catkins; 芦荟 {植} barbados aloe; aloes; 芦鸟 reedbird; 芦笙 a reed-pipe wind instrument; 芦笋 {植} asparagus; 芦苇 {植} reed; ditch reed; phragmites communis; prundo phragmites; bent; 芦苇丛生 The land was covered with reeds.; 芦席 reed mat
芦(蘆)lǔ(构词成分): 油葫 ~ [yóu hu lǔ] {动} a kind of field cricket 另见 see also lú。 |