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单词 人困马乏

人困马乏rén kùn mǎ fá

the men weary,their steeds spent—the entire force was exhausted; be worn out; be tired and exhausted
❍ 吕布走得~。(《三国演义》169) His army marched till they were worn out.
❍ 先使小喽罗或在东,或在西,引诱的秦明~,策立不定。(《水浒全传》419) He had told the robbers to go to the east or to the west so that,leading Qing Ming and his men back and forth like this,men orhorses would be exhausted and they could not make a stand.
❍ 匪徒们由于~,时时打击着他们的贪心馋欲,有些灰心丧气。(曲波《林海雪原》502) The weariness of their men and horses was a constant damper on their ardour and made them feel rather depressed.

人困马乏ren kun ma fa

the men weary,their steeds spent—tired out

人困马乏rén kùn mǎ fá

人马都困乏了。形容体力疲劳不堪。the entire force was exhausted, exhausted, tired out





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