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艾滋病Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS) (获得性免疫缺陷综合征的通称) 四免一关怀政策: 为农村居民和城镇未参加基本医疗保险等医疗保障制度的经济困难人员中的~病人免费提供抗病毒药物; 在全国范围内为自愿接受~咨询的人员免费提供咨询和初筛检测; 为感染~病毒的孕妇提供免费母婴阻断药物及婴儿检测试剂; 对~病人的孤儿免收上学费用; 将生活困难的~病人纳入政府救助范围,按照国家有关规定给予必要的生活救济。The four Frees and One Care Policy:Free anti-HIV drugs to AIDS patients who are rural residents or people with financial difficulties living in urban areas;Free voluntary counseling and testing;Free drugs to HIV infected pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child transmission,and HIV testing of new born babies; Free schooling for children orphaned by AIDS. Care and economic assistance to the households of people living with HIV/AIDS 相关词汇 ~病人people living with HIV/AIDS;AIDS patient(or victim) ~病毒(HIV)human immunodeficiency virus ~病毒感染者 case of HIV infection; HIV positive person; HIV infected person 滤过性病毒学者virologist 累计报告HIV感染者cumulative HIV infections 待处理病例之数量caseload 高危人群high-risk groups(or population) 高危行为high-risk behavior 干预战略intervention strategy 隔离区(营)quarantine camp 临床研究clinic study 发病pathogenesis 潜伏期latent period 伺机性感染opportunistic infection(OI) 传播的主要方式common mode of HIV transmission 传播渠道routes of transmission 感染途径risk factors 母婴传播mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) 性病venereal disease 性传播疾病sexual transmitted disease(STD) 静注毒品(静脉注射吸毒)intravenous drug use(IDU) 婚前性行为premarital sex 多个性伙伴multiple sex partners 共用针具吸毒needle sharing drug use 注射吸毒injecting drug use 注射器syringe 单采浆传播epidemic in former plasma donors 采血blood collection 输血blood transfusion 自愿咨询检测点Voluntary Counseling and Testing Sites (VCTS) 既往采供血former blood collection and supply 病原体etiologic agent 病因学(病原学)etiology 传染病学epidemiology 抗体antibody 抗原antigen 抗艾滋病毒药物anti-HIV drug 核糖核酸RNA 脱氧核糖核酸DNA 抗病毒药物antiviral drugs;antiviral 抗逆转录病毒治疗(简称抗病毒治疗)ARVS ~病毒抗体HIV antibody 筛选screening 实行免费匿名检测free and confidential test |