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❶ (颜色) colour: 暗 ~ dead colour; 反衬 ~ contrast colours; 红 ~ red; 流行 ~ fashionable colour; 原 ~ primary colour
❷ (脸上显现的神情) look; countenance; expression: 满面喜 ~ beaming with joy; 喜形于 ~ be visibly pleased; light up with pleasure
❸ (种类) kind; description: 各 ~ 人等 people of every description; all kinds of people
❹ (情景; 景象) scene; scenery: 湖光山 ~ a landscape of lakes and mountains; 行 ~ 匆匆 in a hurry to go on a trip
❺ (物品的质量) quality (of precious metals, goods, etc.): 成 ~ 好 of good quality
❻ (女子美貌) woman's looks: 姿 ~ good looks
另见 see also shǎi。
◆色饱和 colour saturation; 色彩 colour; hue; tint; colouration; tincture; blee; shade; 色彩斑斓 bright- coloured; gorgeous; multicoloured; 色彩缤纷 be riotous with colour; a riot of colour; prismy; 色彩疗法 therapy of colour; 色层分析 {物} chromatagraphic analysis; 色差 {光} {电} chromatic aberration; colour aberration; colour difference; {物} chromatism; {纺} off colour; off shade; 色纯度 excitation purity; {电} colour purity; 色带 cingula (pl. cingulae); colour bar; 色丹岛 Shikotan; 色胆包天 driven by passion; be bold enough to run the extreme risks for sex; risk sex adventures; 色灯信号 {土} colour-light signals; 色淀 {有化} lakes; lake; {纺} colour lake; 色调 hue; tone; tinge; 色度 tone; chroma; chrominance; tinct; chromaticness; chromaticity; colour ̄ ity; 色光 coloured light; 色幻觉 chromatism; chromesthesia; chromatopseudopsis; pseudochromes ̄ thesia; 色幻视 chromasia; chromophose; chromopsia; chromatopsia; 色觉 colour sense; colour vision; 色拉 salad; 色厉内荏 appear to be tough outwardly, be timid inwardly; appear severe; but weak inside; be ferocious in appearance but feeble in essence; be fierce in appearance but faint in heart; be fierce in appearance but weak within [in essence]; be fierce of visage but faint of heart; fierce of mien but faint of heart; outwardly fierce but inwardly shaky; strong looking outside but brittle within; threatening in manner but cowardly at heart; 色盲 {医} parachromatoblepsia; parachromatism; parachromat ̄ opsia; acritochromacy; chromatodysopia; chromatel ̄ opsia; anopia; colour amblyopia; colour blindness; 色品 {物} chroma; chromaticity; chromaticness; 色谱 {物} colour spectrum; chromatograph; 色情 salacity; pornographic; sexy; carnal desire; 色情狂 edeomania; edemania; aidoiomania; lagnesis; lagneia; lagnosis; lagneuomania; oestromania; philtromania; aphrodisio ̄ mania; erotomania; estromania; tentigo; 色球 [法] plage; 色球(层) chromosphere; 色散 {物} dispersion; chromatic dispersion; 色色俱全 All kinds are available.; 色失真 colour distortion; 色素 {生} pigment; pigmentum; colouring material; 色温 {物} colour temperature; 色香味美 make ... taste good and look fine; good in colour, smell and taste; The aroma, colour and taste of the dish are all excellent.; 色相 hue; 色学 {光} chromatics; 色艳桃李 as beautiful as flowers; 色艺绝伦 unparalleled both in beauty and art; 色泽 colour and lustre; tincture; tinge; tinct; 色织厂 {纺} yarn-dyed fabric mill; 色纸 coloured paper; 色痣 {医} mole


[口] (颜色) colour: 这布掉 ~ 吗? Will this cloth fade?
另见 see also sè。
◆色子 dice

material appearance of things









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