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单词 starve
starve/stɑ:v, AmE stɑ:rv/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)(使)挨饿,饿死((cause to) suffer greatly or die from hunger)[II+prepT+nT+n+prep]:Thousands of refugees are~ing. 数以千计的难民在挨饿。They will~if the crops fail again. 如果再歉收的话,他们将挨饿。~sb to death(使)饿死;Don't~his animals. 别把他的牲口饿坏了。be accused of~ing the prisoners 被控使犯人挨饿;~oneself to try to lose weight/to buy books (infml)试图通过饥饿使自己减肥/忍饥挨饿去买书;~the town into submission 以饥饿迫使镇民屈服;〖同〗hunger;〖反〗overeat;

(2)饥饿(feel very hungry)[I][仅用prog](infml):Is the dinner ready? I'm~ing! 晚饭吃什么? 我饿坏了。You must be~ing. 你一定饿极了。

(3)(使)渴望(求),(使)迫切需要((cause to) want or long for sth needed)[I+prep (for),T+n+prep(of)通常pass]:~for companionship/a little love/sympathy 渴望友谊/一点爱/同情;be~d of affection 需要爱;(factory) be~d of technical expertise/resources/petrol (fig)(工厂)迫切需要技术知识/资金/汽油;〖同〗hunger,long;

starve sb into (doing) sth 使某人挨饿以迫使其做某事:~a prisoner into confessing to a crime 让犯人挨饿迫使其承认犯罪;

starve sb out of (sth)(v adv)把某人从……饿出来:It took ten days to~the enemy out (of the blockhome). 用了10天时间才迫使敌人因饥饿(从碉堡里)走出来。

→star′vation n 饥(挨)饿,饿死;′starveling n 挨饿者,面黄肌瘦的人;饿瘦的动物;

【辨异】starved hungry的区别见HUNGRY。





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