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单词 舍生取义

舍生取义shě shēng qǔ yì

die for principle; die for a noble cause; lay down one’s life for a just cause;prefer honour to life; sacrifice one’s life for righ teousness
❍ 太平无事,闲人很多,偶有“杀身成仁~”的,本人也许忙得不暇检点,而活着的旁观者总会加以绵密的研究。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾》99) The world is at peace,so idle people abound. Occasionally some“kill themselves for a noble cause” and may be too busy themselves to bother about other matters,but on lookers who remain alive can always carry out detailed researches./“杀身成仁”,“~”,在必要的时候,对于多数共产党员来说,是被视为当然的事情。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》41) Most Communists consider it a matter of course to die for the sake of the cause,to lay down their life for justice,when that is ne cessary.
❍ 二者不可兼得,~者也。(《孟子·告子上》) If I cannot keep the two together,I will let life go and choose righteousness.


sacrifice one’s life for a just cause

舍生取义shě shēnɡ qǔ yì

舍弃生命以维护正义。形容为了维护正义不惜牺牲自己的生命。lay down one’s life for a just cause, die for righteousness, prefer justice to life





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