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单词 华而不实

华而不实huá ér bù shí

be all claptrap; be flashy and without substance; gaudy (and empty); gim crack; gingerbread; magniloquent; [of people]superficially clever
❍ 无实事求是之意,有哗众取宠之心。~,脆而不坚。(《毛泽东选集》758) They have no intention of seeking truth from facts,but only a desire to curry favour by claptrap. They are flashy without substance,brittle without solidity.
❍ 这些菜肴可用这四句话给以鉴定: ~,费而不惠,营而不养,淡而无味。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》51) This food could be described as expensive and showy without being good,and was neither nutritious nor tasty.
❍ 且~,怨之所聚也,犯而聚怨,不可以定身。(《左传·文五年》)Moreover,round a man of flowers without fruit resentments will collect. Coming into collision with men,and the object of many resentments,he will not be able to maintain himself.

华而不实hua er bu shi

flashy and without substance


flashy and without substance;ostentatious;superficially clever

华而不实huá ér bù shí

只开花不结果实。比喻人或物空有华丽的外表,却没有实实在在的内容。superficially clever, empty and bombastic, have all one’s goods in the window, have everything in the window





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