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单词 stamp
stamp/stæmp/ v & n

v (1)跺脚;踩踏(set the foot or feet down heavily (on a surface))[IT+nT+n+prepT+n+adv (down),C+n+adj]:The horse~ed nervously. 那马烦躁地踢踏。~(one's feet) in (with) anger/rage 生气/狂怒地跺脚;~in the cold snow to keep warm 在寒冷的雪中跺脚取暖;She peevishly~ed her foot. 她生气地跺脚。He~ed a trail in the deep snow. 他在深雪覆盖的原野上踩出一条小径来。~one's feet at the doorway to shake off the snow 在门道跺脚以抖掉脚上的雪;~the ground 用脚跺地;~the mud off one's shoes 跺掉脚上的泥;~the grass down to the earth 把草踩倒;~the soil down把土踩实;~the soil flat round the plant 把植物周围的土踩平;〖同〗pound,crush;

(2)迈着沉重的步子走(walk with loudheavy steps)[II+prepI+adv]:Don't~! 脚步轻点!~around the house in a furious temper 暴躁地围着房子跺着脚走;~into/out of the room 跺着脚走进/出房间;~upstairs 脚步沉重地上楼;〖同〗tramp;

(3)把……印在……,盖章,打戳,盖上标记(print or mark (a designthe datewords etc) on to (a surface))[T+nT+n+prep(on/with)]:~sb's passport/sb's library book 在某人的护照上盖章/借的书上盖戳;~the date/the code number on a letter (a paper) (~a letter (a paper) with the date/the code number) 在信(文件)上打印日期/代码;~one's name on all one's books 把自己的名字印在自己所有的书上;~“urgent”on the letter 在信上盖上“急件”字样;be all~ed with the exporter's name/the trade mark 全部打上了出口商的名字/商标;His years in the army had~ed him with an air of brisk authority. 他在部队服役的经历使他具有干练而权威的神态。〖同〗print,mark,brand,label,seal;

(4)贴上邮票(等)(stick a postage stamp or some other stamp onto (a letteretc))[T+n,尤pass]:A~ed addressed envelope is enclosed for your reply. 附上一个贴有邮票、写好地址的信封,以便于你回信。different bags for~ed and un~ed mail 分别装贴邮票和未贴邮票的邮件的不同的袋子;Don't forget to~the letter before mailing it. 寄信前不要忘了贴邮票。

(5)铭刻,被牢记(impress deeply or permanently)[T+nT+n+prep (on)](fig):~one's personality/one's authority on the game 把自己的特性/权威带到该项运动中;an event~ed on sb's memory 终生难忘的事件;the thinking~ed in people's mind 人们头脑中根深蒂固的思想;

(6)显示出,表明……是(characterisedistinguishor reveal)[C+n+prep (as)]:His accent/speech/good behaviour~ed him as a man of education. 他的口音/语言/良好举止说明他是个受过教育的人。〖同〗mark,characterise,impress,demonstrate,exhibit;

(7)冲压(produce by a forceful blow with a specially shaped tool)[T+nT+n+adv(out),T+n+prep (from),T+n+adv (out)+prep (from)]The machine can~engine parts/components. 这机器能冲压机械零件/部件。~out small cards from a large sheet of cardboard 从一大张硬纸板上冲下小卡片;

stamp on (v prep) 1)将某物踩扁(烂)(vt):They rush down and~on him and kick him. 他们冲过来,踩他,踢他。~on a snake 踩死一条蛇;2)压制;平息(vt):The terrorism was soon~ed on by the government. 政府很快制止了这种恐怖活动。

stamp out (v adv) 1)踩灭(vt):They tried to~out the burning leaves. 他们试图踩灭正在燃烧的树叶。2)镇压,消灭(vt):Any attempt to overthrow the government must be~ed out.任何推翻政府的企图都必将被镇压。3)用脚打(拍子)(vt):The whole crowd at the game were~ing out the rhythm of the song,and the noise was terrible. 运动会上,全体观众跺着脚为那首歌打拍子,响声震耳。

n(1)邮票;印花(small piece of paper with an official design on it and glue on the back for sticking on a piece of mail or certain official papers to show that postage or dutyetc has been paid)[C](=postage stamp):a 50-cent/revenue~ 50分邮票/印花税票;a~collection/album 邮集/集邮簿;a book of commemorative~s 一本纪念邮票;collect foreign~s 集外国邮票;stick the~s on the parcel 把邮票贴在包裹上;

(2)购物赠券(similar piece of paper given to buyers at a fixed rateexchangeable for various articles or goods)[C](= trading stamp);

(3)印(图)章(any of various devices that leave a special mark when stuck or pressed against a surface)[C]:a rubber/business~橡皮图章/商业用章;make the date with a rubber date-~用—橡皮日戳盖上日子;~papers with a~that has one's name on it 在文件上盖图章;〖同〗seal;

(4)印(戳)记(markpatterndesignword(s)etc made by stamping on a surface)[C]:All the goods bore the manufacturer's~. 所有的货物盖有制造厂商的印记。〖同〗mark,trademark,seal;

(5)跺脚,踩踏(act of stamping with the foot)[C]:give a~of impatience 不耐烦地跺脚;“Give it to me!” She shouted with an angry~of her foot. 她愤怒地跺着脚喊道:“把那给我!”

(6)特征,标记(characteristic quality or mark)[C,通常sing](fml,fig):bear the~of a vivid imagination/genius 有活跃的想象力/天才的特征;His face bears the~of suffering. 他的脸上有经历过苦难的痕迹;His essay bears the~of hard work. 他的论文看得出是下了功夫写的。story which bears the~of truth 显得真实的故事;

(7)种,类(kind;type)[C,通常sing](fml,fig):men of a serious/different~严肃类型的人/另一类型的人;

→′stamp-collecting n 集邮;′stamp-collector n 集邮者;′stamp-duty n 印花税





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