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单词 stale
stale/steɪl/ adj [-r/-st]; vi

adj (1)不新鲜的,走味(干瘪)的((esp of food) not fresh and therefore dry and tasteless):~biscuits/bread 变味的饼干/面包;~air 不新鲜的空气;the smell of~cigarette smoke 难闻的变质香烟味;The beer is~.这啤酒不新鲜了。The cake had become~and dry. 这蛋糕已变味,而且干硬了。These old peanuts taste~. 这些陈花生变味了。〖同〗flat,tasteless;〖反〗fresh;

(2)陈旧(腐)的(oldalready known and etc therefore not interesting any more):~jokes/news/cliches 老掉牙的笑话/过时的消息/陈词滥调;His ideas are~and dull. 他的思想陈腐无聊。His style of writing has become~. 他的写作风格已变得过时了。〖同〗flat,dull;〖反〗original,imaginative;

(3)疲沓的,怠倦的((of a person) no longer able to do sth well because of too much studytrainingpracticeetc):If she practises the piano for more than two hours a day,she will grow~. 她如果一天练习钢琴超过两小时,她就会疲沓的。The athlete was~from lack of exercise. 那位运动员由于缺乏锻炼而倦怠了。The horse has gone~from too much running. 这匹马奔跑过度而倦怠了。

→′staleness n;

vi 变得不新鲜(疲沓)(become stale)[I]:His stories quickly~ed.他的故事很快变得不新鲜了。Are there any kind of pleasure that never~? 有那种永不衰退的乐趣吗?





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